Archive for the ‘Jack’ Category

Oh yeah!

Monday, September 28th, 2009

I was so outraged by Vegemite that I almost forgot to mention; there’s a new review for Fancy Adventures up at Hey! Look! Comics!

You can read the whole thing right here. Check it out!

I love a girl with eyes.

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

So I mentioned in twitter before that I was thinking about changing the way I did the characters eyes. And after playing around with it I think I will. It’s really not going to be that different but I’m kinda excited about it and wanted to share.

So anyway, here’s the kinda thing I’m talking about:


(Click for a larger image)

I don’t know what I was thinking when playing around with the shading for this. I probably wasn’t.

Anyways, its basically taking the un-joined black lines and.. you know, joining them. I tend to draw the iris a bit bigger because of this but I think it looks pretty good. I’ll post some more sketches later.

Also the change won’t be immediate. Since I’m planning on getting stuff printed I figure I’ll keep the eyes consistent and wont change them mid story. I am working on a side story at the moment though which will be a good chance to work it in though and give it a test run. More on that later.


Monday, July 5th, 2010

So I’ve decided to finally start making some shirts that will hopefully interest people. the store only has one shirt up at the moment, which is the image you see at the top of this post.

If you like it, please pick it up! I’ll be designing more shirts over time, obviously. 

The store is over heeeere!

Commissions reopened!

Monday, September 12th, 2011

Hey guys, last year I opened up commissions, but had to stop due to work commitments taking up all my time. Unfortunately that’s not the case any more and for the past year I’ve been freelance which is… pretty horrible. I haven’t had any work for the last couple of months and my funds have pretty much dried up. So, the bad news is I’m broke, but the good news is commissions are open again!


So, if you’ve enjoyed reading about Jack Cannon and stuff and want to help make a tough situation tolerable, then thank you! Below is a small Q and A about the commissions.


Q: How much?

A: The starting price is 20$ for a black and white image or a character. The picture can be in colour, but that will cost a little extra (depending on the picture.)


Q: Can I have more than one character, will it cost more?

A: It depends on the complexity of the picture. The short answer is yes and maybe.


Q: What won’t you draw?

A: Dirty stuff, anything morally offensive.


Q: Can you draw my original characters, or characters from other comics/shows/ect? 

 A: Yes.


Q: Can I commission you to draw an early comic update? I gotta know what happens next! 

A: Sure man, but it’ll cost you a cool $100.


Q: Will buying a book help you out?

A: Sadly, No. Every book that sells gets me less than two dollars. My location makes it really difficult to make a profit off books. They’re really there more for people who want a hard copy, not for me to make money with.


Q: I don’t want anything, can I just donate?

A: Certainly!


You can sent me requests at jamie(at)

If you have any questions not answered here, feel free to ask in the comments section!

I’m leaving on a boat.

Friday, February 17th, 2012

Hey guys, this weekend I’ll be moving back to Melbourne to begin University, it should be pretty good! I am really excited! What that means for you is I’m going to take a couple of weeks off to get myself sorted and settled. As way of apology(?) I have posted a double long comic today because I care too much.
What does this mean in the long run? I have no idea what to expect from uni but fair warning: if have to start slowing down on updates, then that’s what I’m gonna do. Jack Cannon has dominated my life for around four years now and I have no intention dropping the comic until I’m done with it. (or is that when it’s done with me?)
So, I don’t know, maybe I’ll slow down to one update a week when I have to? Maybe the comic will shift to black and white? Maybe I’ll be fine and there will be no changes at all? No idea yet. I just thought I’d warn you.
Sooo… just be ready for something… or nothing… to happen. And I’ll see you in two weeks!


Saturday, February 9th, 2013

You can actually buy Jack Cannon volume 1 Hardcover books?



Initially I worked to make a hard cover version of the book for indy planet a couple of years ago, and the books looked great! Then suddenly the service was put on hold, mush to my sadness.

Anyway, I was looking through indyplanet again recently since I am currently *spoiler* working on the second Jack Cannon Book *spoiler*  and found you can totally get a hardcover copy of The Fancy Adventure of Jack Cannon Volume 1 over here!

So, I mean, it’s like 25 bucks, and I get basically no profit at all from it but if you like hardcover books like I do then please pick it up. The idea that people have the coolest version of my stuff on their shelf is more important to me than making any type of profit off of my work. Probably because I am retarded. But yeah, they are *way* better than the softcover books I have linked in the store (which I will soon be updating) and you could probably use them to fight off an attacker because THEY ARE THE BEST THINGS!

You’re late.

Friday, August 1st, 2014

I know, I know; where have I been? I’m so sorry for the huge wait between updates guys. I’ve been hit with a lot of stuff recently, mainly from uni (which I’m finishing up this year!) but that’s only part of it. At this point the comic is a big ol’ passion project that I’m basically doing because I love it, however I’ve been suuuper burnt out on it lately and I’ve sat down to work on the comic multiple times only to walk away frustrated. Finally I sat down this week and was able to actually to produce something half decent! When will I update next? I’m not sure. I’d like to say in one weeks time, and I’ll do my best to achieve it!

Reflecting on the slow updates and the time it takes to make them, I’ve decided after this current story arc finishes I’ll switch to black and white updates. I might go back afterwards and colour those pages but honestly I just want to move the story forward, and this will cut my workload down a ~ton~

As always I’ll be posting update notices on my Twitter

and on the Fancy Adventures Facebook page

And hell, if you care about other things I do I’ve also go this Tumblr which I use for art

And this lets play channel or whatever.

And I was a guest on a Podcast recently!

Anyway, if you’re still with me after all this time, thank you. I love you. Let’s do lunch sometime.

A bit of housekeeping

Friday, January 1st, 2016

So I know updates have been spotty for a while now, and I never really addressed it, but i think now is a good time to do that. There are a few factors to this and the primary one lately is I’ve been pretty burnt out. I mean, I’ve been doing this since 2008, so I think that’s pretty understandable.

For a while I tried to push the comic as a possible way to earn money for doing someone I love, but that never really panned out, which is fine, but it does mean that the comic takes a back seat to things like uni, and work.

Another factor is I’m going to be moving to Canada later this month, and it could take a while before I’m set up again to work on comics!

I guess the short of what I’m saying is that life is happening, and the current update schedule is now set to “when I can.”

Who knows, maybe I’ll just start updating in chapters, or clusters instead of page by page. I mean the wait’s long enough as it is, right? Might as well make the updates substantial.

We’ll see!

Anyway, as always, if you want to use social media to let you know when updates have happened please feel free to follow me on twitter or facebook and thanks for sticking around all this time!