Page 290
May 9th, 2011

Page 290

Nice one Craig.


  1. Ryexander


    also, the elevator button is just too obvious.

  2. James

    NO!…it’s perfect…what happens if he pushed it?….OOOH EXcitement Man !!!!!! ; D

  3. James

    Craig get ready to be SMASHED !!!!!! ; D

  4. Zero_Starlight

    Jamie, you spelled Guards wrong. You spelled it as ‘Gaurds’.


  5. Jamie

    Whoops, weird that the spellchecker didn’t pick up on it. I’ll fix it now.

  6. This Guy

    SO may ways to take the meaning behind the button.
    Cocky? A trap? Stupid? ignorance in his haste to make said tower?
    Saving the brain cell as i await the next page which will be exciting anyway

  7. Sage4041

    It’s at this point in the adventure when you’d have to wonder if Craig was really stupid or really smart. I’m not holding out for the latter, but still…

  8. Merks

    take the stairs FOOL!

  9. Redde

    The “Are you freakin’ kidding me?” expression is hilarious.

  10. BluerzGooerz

    Nice one, Craig

  11. jmkool

    No way is that a trap. Craig is too fail a villain to be that wily.

  12. Ryo

    Best. Button. Ever.

    I’m so glad you brought Craig back, Jamie 😀

  13. Rez

    Just to piss him off, press every other button. Then he’ll be all, “WHAT THE HELL TOOK YOU?!” and Jack could be all “TROLOLOLOL, I get here on my own time, b**ch.”

  14. Arch Angel

    Thing 1: Hmm. Which button to push?
    Thing 2: Well it coultn’t be the top one.
    Thing 1: No, that would be to obvious.

  15. grimandgrimmer

    It’s like Craig’s asking Jack to fight him.

  16. Kanaka

    Don’t do it, it’s a tarp!

  17. Ramani-Rayne

    “No turrets or anything”
    Now I have this image in my head of Jack punching a Portal turret. While it says “I don’t hate you” in that creepy little voice…

  18. Crestlinger

    Now see this is where if the crown button is pushed a giant crown should come up from the basement to gore anyone in the elevator at the time. On a side note Deception 4 is out.

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