Page 291
May 13th, 2011

Page 291

Craig sucks at playing Dungeon Keeper, too.


  1. gangler

    The trap is that Craig’s not even in here. It’s just a monument he built to display his awesomeness and impress Angel.

  2. Frostbite4.0

    Silly Jack. You need to visit the giant phallic castle next door with even more Craig paintings

  3. Sage4041

    Tacky, phallic, self-adulating… do you think Craig has an “Evil Fortress Must-Have” checklist or something?

  4. Ventnor

    Unimpressed Jack is unimpressed.

  5. Ordinaire

    Good thinking looking under the rug! too bad Craig could just make it appear out of nothingness whenever he wants >.>

  6. DukeGod


  7. vash_ts

    haha! you, fool, fell in the trap…
    when you get to the final room, all doors will close and the whole building will make and implosion!!!!!

    … or maybe not…

  8. RyotheDemon

    Oh Craig. You were missed when you were gone. Im glad you and your silly antics are back. Thanks Jamie 😀

  9. marca311

    Don’t worry, Jamie’s probably just holding up for the next enemy:

  10. grayfoxpianist

    So the Wallmaster would take Jack where, back to the sha- I mean, to the bottom of the phallic? All he has to do is get back in the elevator and go back up.
    I expect Craig to be sitting in some throne surrounded by pictures of himself and a slave-girl version of Angel feeding him grapes or something. Then he’ll say some attempt at a dramatic line, a fight ensues, and Jack kicks his ass until something intervenes.
    This plot prediction is brought to you by too many Saturday morning cartoons and 90’s video games. Goodnight everybody!

  11. reynard61

    Don’t go looking for trouble, Jack. I have the feeling that it’ll find you soon enough…

  12. Redde

    Oh yeah.

    Either big trap, or big ego up ahead.

  13. Arch Angel

    I’m starting to get as dissapointed as Jack. I mean, Craig must know that someone is going to notice that tower. Then again, this is Craig we’re talking about, so he might think no one will even try to stop him, not knowing Jack in now on the top floor.

  14. Crestlinger

    Posting on a friday the 13th nullifies all traps.

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