Page 289
May 6th, 2011

Page 289

Maybe he should have called first.

So I’ve got this Formspring page now, by the way. –> <– It’s mainly there for Fancy Adventures questions you might have, but I mean, I guess you can ask me about other stuff too!


  1. Johnny Whoa

    Well Jack, peacefully breaking and entering isn’t working. Try punching something. I sugest a portrait.

  2. Merks

    more purple!

  3. Anonymoose

    I hear the music from OoT’s Ganon’s Castle in my head….

  4. RaeMina

    I second Johnny’s suggestion. RAE WANT BIG BOOM

  5. arcaneInflection

    Loving the painting in the 4th panal, is that craig too?

  6. Redde

    Aaaaaaaaannnnd cue the tentacle monster dropping from the ceiling and raping his face.

  7. BluerzGooerz

    i can picture where this is going;
    jack goes upstairs and sees Angel in anada one of Craig’s bubble things trying to get her to love him and then Jack comes up and then there shall be EPIC FIGHT TIME !

  8. batz

    Meanwhile, all the way up in his high and mighty tower…


  9. Arch Angel

    Aaaannndd, cue the hacked fighting constructs that show up out of nowhere.

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