Page 223
August 30th, 2010

Page 223



  1. FanXplosion

    Gavin VS Facepuncher… I don’t like the way this is looking ๐Ÿ™

  2. one_rebel

    Woah, that’s the clearest image of Grin’s face so far ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Gavin is approaching Max, ohshi–

  3. ThirtyThreeAs

    Oh man let’s hope the “single hero vs overpowered group” principle holds true.

  4. Ryan B.

    I doubt Max succeeds in saving Crystal, but I also can’t imagine this comic without the Facepuncher, so I really hope he doesn’t get himself killed…

  5. LtFusion

    *cues heroic music*

    *Jack makes it to the scene*


  6. isaac

    come on facepuncher! punch him in the face!

  7. gangler

    Pretty sure max isn’t gonna get himself killed here trying to save crystal, but really, ever since kamina I don’t know what to believe in that regard. A paradigm of manliness walking into battle against a far superior force without anything resembling a plan, because real men don’t do that? I’m having unpleasant flashbacks here.

  8. Sheepmatty

    Daamn, this series got dark.

  9. Frostbite4.0

    Now the indestructible Jack must save the day with his hack-proof powers! screw the treaty, Caesar had his leg chopped off, Crystal lost her scarf, Facepuncher is about to be killed!

  10. psydei

    Go Gavin, kill them all!!!!!!!

  11. Kirk

    Grin is not grinning anymore.

  12. The Jester

    Why is he not leaving bloody footprints? He clearly stepped in blood.

  13. Rock-Man

    Dude… Grin’s Hair is Mega-Super Long.

    And where’s the scarf? It’s got way more DP then Facepuncher. No offence Max.

  14. SovietCommissar

    This is not looking good. However, it appears that Grin is still typing…or is she just taking her hands off of the keyboard?

  15. Katrika


    I’m not sure why I was so eager to see her face.

  16. Tier Twenty

    Damn it indeed.

  17. Vrominelli

    I keep expecting a hacker with a phanto mask. WHY DO I KEEP THINKING OF THIS?!

  18. Arch Angel

    I don’t care comic you’re in, that can’t be good.

  19. Johnny Whoa

    Max, it has been far too long since you did anything badass.
    Fix it. Do it now.

    To Gavin’s face.

  20. ThisIsAScreenname

    So,at first, I was just kind of like, “WHOA GRIN’S FACE WHOOOOAAAAA.” But that slowly turned into, “Oh…Wait. Everyone’s like…dying. Grin’s face has suddenly become less important. WHERE’S JACK?! :O”

  21. Mr. Jazzels



  22. Krell1

    I think that “The Fancy Adventures” would make a good video game. Anybody agree?

  23. BluerzGooerz


  24. gangler

    Fancy adventures video game I picture looking kind of like that scott pilgrim game for the xbla.

  25. rakurai

    Max wears steel toed boots – he needs to use them…. on Gavin’s face. Do you agree, Johnny Whoa? ๐Ÿ˜€

  26. Rez

    Oh. Fraktacular. WHAT IS GAVIN’S PLAN DAMNIT!?
    Jack, do the brave yet stupid thing. SAVE THEIR @$$3$. NAO.

    I swear, this part has me hooked, like, permanently. Frak.

    Rezidual Shok

  27. Grog

    Is Caesar dead?

    I liked him, even if he WAS introduced just to get his leg hacked off in a few pages.

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