Page 222
August 27th, 2010

Page 222


  1. grayfoxpianist

    Crystal used Scarf! Hit 4 time(s)! A critical hit!
    Wild Hacker used Teleport! Gavin used Stun Punch! It’s super effective!

  2. Johnny Whoa

    Crystal has fainted! use another M.I. Agent?

  3. Merks

    I’m hoping for scarf berserker mode now

  4. Frostbite4.0

    Crystal doesn’t look like herself without the scarf. Its like…she lost her identity or something.
    and the scarf will totally just kill them all now on its own

  5. Ventnor

    What? HAX!!!
    Oh wait…

  6. ThisIsAScreenname

    Um…Jack comes in and saves the day because we haven’t seen him in a while? Goooooo JACK! 😀 Also, Crystal with out the scarf is weird and different. But in a good way, I think.

  7. FanXplosion

    Crystal looks good without the scarf. But now she’s defenseless. D:

  8. Chirigami

    Hmm… It seems the Scarf (yeah, with capital S, just because) can’t be destroyed with hacks, only moved.

    Hey, Jamie, I’m nobody to say this, ’cause I can’t even draw a line, but a guy who knows a lot about comics once told me you should always make movements on a panel –especially in wide panels– go with the “reading flow”. So that first panel would be better if the scarf was hitting them from left to right in the view.
    Anyways I love it, don’t take me wrong, just thought I’d tell you because it’s a nice tip, and it did felt kinda awkward reading that first panel. (Then again, it could also be because I was reading manga from right to left and then suddenly shifted to your comic… lol)
    Arrgh, I can’t wait for monday… x.x

  9. Mornar

    I’ve been thinking… They were going to fight the hackers how exactly? Makes little sense, them hackers can do pretty much anything and there’s no real reason why they just hadn’t stopped all the crew’s heartbeat or something. There must be some kind of a defense mechanism, or they’re pretty damn screwed by default.

  10. Blee

    Heh. Gavin is going the Bond Villain route by having his lackeys do the dirty work instead of just annihilating all the MI agents in one go.

    …or maybe that’s not Gavin?

  11. Zorpheus

    That’s the problem with having a single powerful weapon…. It’s a pretty big target to an enemy wanting to level the playing field.

  12. Foreverwolf

    Has anyone else noticed that the hacker masks change between panels?

  13. Cope

    Sometimes I wonder why Gavin even has flunkies.

  14. Grog

    So… has anyone noticed that the floor where Caesar was standing is like covered in blood? D:

    He could be bleeding out as we speak!

  15. Tier Twenty

    I see what you did there with the punch.

  16. Kirk

    Crystal Facepuncher!

    As in the occupation.

  17. tailman

    …that thing comes off?

  18. figgyleaf

    i have to sympathise with Mornar actually. how does hat work? do the hackers have energy or something? a certan number of different powered hax each rest? why dont they just kill them outright by some epic powerfull or deadly hack?

  19. Rez

    Also, that hacker that h@xd away the scarf looks like Lipbite.
    Just saying.

    Rezidual Shok

  20. one_rebel

    *grabs bucket of popcorn*

    I. Can’t. Wait. For. Monday! O.O


  21. sirbacon

    Dude… I never realized just how much of Crystal’s look the scarf makes up, but she really looks naked without it.

  22. Wolf

    Wow… Without the scarf you can really see how long her hair is o.o Kinda weird

    ps. I’ve been following the comic for a while now and I have to same, great job ^^ I don’t really get into comics and if I do they end up just becoming boring or just seem to drag on.

  23. Tsapki

    On the subject of why the hackers don’t just take over the world right away, I’m reminded of Mage from World of Darkness. Don’t know the system too well but I understand that they more they change the world around them (hacking in this instance) the more backlash energy that piles up later from changing things. I don’t know if Jamie is doing this but I think it would be a good limit to Hackers so that. I imagine Gavin being as experienced and…unique as he seems is capable of minimizing his backlash though so he can pull off more stunning hacks such as teleporting dozens of people and storing eggs inside things that act as portals and bombs.

    Also, two other factors I think may come into play are time and line of sight. The hacker of course needs to have enough time to put in the coding so that comes down to their fine motor skills I believe. One could possibly macro a hack I suppose but that would be only for one specific function and you might find you need another one. Line of sight I think seems to be required with most hacks, or at the least preferred, otherwise I doubt Gavin would have even bothered teleporting himself and the others to Crystal and the gang but rather just teleport her to him.

    But alas, alot of conjuncture. I enjoyed the page as always Jamie. Looking forward to next week.

  24. BluerzGooerz

    see, girls dnt need protection but a magic fighting scarf will help us with alot of things 😉

  25. gangler

    I agree. People keep saying that the hackers can do anything, it’s some kind of godlike power, but I think hacking works based on principles the same as science and any decently designed magic. Otherwise one hacker would be enough to take over the world, assuming he could hack away his need for sleep as well as his mortality (which would seem reasonable under the godlike impossibilities theory). Take for example, the keyboards. An input device is needed to hack, and different types of devices seem to have different abilities. Right off the bat that makes the power finite and assumes there are natural limitations as well as principles for the power to operate upon.

  26. Rixley

    I think some of the limitations are caused by the hacker’s imagination and/or intelligence. We’ve seen that different hackers have different abilities. Grin was able to modify Frankie pretty grotesque while Manic’s abilities seem to be limited to summoning and controlling knives. Meanwhile, Gavin’s abilities allow him to do almost anything he wants, but he seems to be holding back for some reason.

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