Page 209
July 12th, 2010

Page 209



  1. saper

    O snap! :O

  2. Merks


  3. Limestudios

    WTF I thought the hackers made a deal in that the said they would not attack Jack anymore?

  4. Frostbite4.0

    Am I the only one who thinks these two might already have some history? Like, maybe Gavin was the uber nerd in school while the general was the jock who dumped him in the trash.

  5. Anonymous Man

    The General seems to have very accurate feelings.

    I have a bad feeling myself, that I have to wait til Friday for the next comic. =P

  6. Rusty-Knight

    Masked Badguy: Not over compensating for a lack of anything, but rather trying to under compensate for just how bad ass he is.

  7. James

    Ah..of course That was clever Gavin !!!!! ; )

  8. LtFusion

    Well that was a lot quicker that I thought. Confrontation!

  9. FanXplosion

    Oh! Wow… How did I not see this coming?

  10. Norgie

    I love how that guy just plainly says “Hello.”

  11. Rez

    Methinks Gavin’s going to tear the base apart… and not attack Jack in anyway whatsoever, thereby solidifying the deal. Or he could back stab, whatever. =P

  12. grayfoxpianist


  13. Johnny Whoa

    Callllled it. Sorta. Tiem for ass kickery.

  14. Johnny Whoa

    Great. Now I’M making typos. It’s contagious.

  15. Nicknackss

    And now the General gets to use his sword.

  16. Rakurai

    Does Gavin wear a full body suit?

  17. Dezy


  18. Swot


  19. Kellins

    Gavin hasn’t laid a finger on Jack or his parents yet, so the deal is still solid. Gavin might call it a “reward” to Jack for helping Gavin out with entering their base. That might turn the base on Jack.
    And I dunno why. I got a feeling the guard will be coming back. Jones is a catchy name for a side character.

  20. Kal'Morgan

    Frostbite4.0: I think that Gavin is actually Jack’s older brother; while jack thinks that he died, maybe he instead somehow became a hacker. If this is true, then either nobody knows or nobody wanted to spill the beans. It’s also possible that whatever “killed” jacks big bro required hacking to survive, which may have erased his memories, personality, and humanity, thus leaving the perfect blank slate for the person Gavin. Or he just orchestrated the whole thing.

  21. taltamir

    did gavin even know jack was in mega intelligence when he decided to attack them? for all we know he didn’t.

  22. Da Mighty Camel

    “Whatever it was IT took out the power!”

    You’re welcome. 😉

  23. Ex-Parrot

    You guys have a short memory. You could have seen this coming from miles away.
    Gavin set this exact plan in motion even before he struck the deal with Jack. I wonder whether he will be happy discovering Jack in the MI base, though…

  24. Thementalhyuuga

    Rusty-Knight: what you said is the winnest thing i’ve heard in a long time

  25. Roboute Guilliman

    Well, I think the situation is about to get hairy for our heroes… :C

  26. phildog

    I’ve got to say dude, gavin has got to be my favorate webcomic villian. Awesome stuff man. Keep up the good work.

  27. BluerzGooerz

    I love how Gavin just pops in outta no where

  28. Biscuit


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