Page 165
February 8th, 2010

Page 165

Those hackers.

Hey have you guys seen the latest Dead Winter comic? It’s all kinds of awesome.

Also there’s a picture of crystal I’ve been working on when I’m able, it’s like, half done or something. you can get a sneak peak at it by voting here!


  1. Frostbite4.0

    and he dissappears…
    what exactly did he do? i can tell he was hacking, but i don’t know what happened

  2. Big fan of too many webcomics

    He turned the nipples into a camera and a microphone so he could see and hear all in MI

  3. Chirigami

    Actually I think the hacking was to dissappear, ’cause, you know, normal people aren’t supposed to be able to merge with a truck and dissappear… xD Things you might forget after one too many webcomic. I don’t think he’s done something [else] to Frankie. He maybe justs expects him to spy for him, or even release Craig.
    Anyways, it’s Gavin, I don’t see why he couldn’t do both things with just a fingersnap…

  4. LtFusion

    Oh no…I think he set him up the bomb. o.O

  5. grayfoxpianist


  6. Captain Whosit

    I’ll give Gavin this: He’s got class. He kind of makes me think of a cross between the Joker and the Laughing Man from Ghost in the Shell (due to the mask, not necessarily personality). Though I need to know this: Does Gavin have an accent? He seems like the kind of guy who needs a classy accent.

    For some reason, part of me thinks that Gavin may actually be sentient code, even though that makes no sense.

  7. Disconnected

    I think he made Frankie really hungry so he’ll kill Craig for getting caught by MI, hence the invited for dinner comment.

  8. Swot

    I have a suspicion that Gavin is immortal.

  9. One_Rebel

    I don’t know why,but I am detecting large quatities of win from Gavin…

  10. Ricuchi

    I agree with LtFusion. Someone set him up da bomb.

  11. reynard61

    “Also there’s a picture of crystal I’ve been working on when I’m able, it’s like, half done or something.”

    She’s, like, half-dressed or something! 🙂

  12. Chronische

    What a forgiving guy.

  13. Disconnected

    @reynard61 She’s also wearing Max’s Shirt.

  14. kevin

    I love that comic… and this comic! i love this comic. 🙂

  15. Plue9

    I can see Gavin would sound something like
    pegeuses from yugioh

  16. Cenner

    For some reason I keep voicing him like Slade in my head, He just reminds me of him. Gavin that is.

  17. Vash_ts

    he took out the metal handcuffs ^^

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