Page 164
February 5th, 2010

Page 164

I can only imagine what the voice from the horrible little mouth thing sounds like.

Vote incentive is the pencils for page six. i think ill draw something new for Mondays vote, provided it doesn’t take too much time out of the actual comic you understand. priorities.

Please vote!


  1. Carl

    I appreciate the hackers. *validates the work drawing them*

    My job here is done! *flies off a hero*

  2. AdvancedFlea

    these hackers are scarey bastards

  3. Ventnor

    Holy crap, Gavin is cold…

    It doesn’t help that I imagine him speaking with this monotone, serene voice either. Seriously creeps me out.

  4. Dreaming Budgie

    Hang on, I thought Frankie was in the back of a MI truck. How did Gavin get there? Scary guy Gavin but his head makes me think of a punching bag.

  5. Da Mighty Camel

    What a dick

  6. Rampage_Starfire

    Ouch, that is harsh.

    I don’t envision Gavin as speaking in a serene monotone, at all. I hear him speaking ina a kind of perky happy, somewhat upbeat voice, which makes what he is saying all the more horrifying.

    Maybe it’s the Smiley face, he has for a face >.<

  7. Ricuchi

    God Gavin is awesome! xD

  8. Thementalhyuuga

    Poor Frankie TT^TT

  9. Mysterious Od Guy

    “You failed, Frankie. And it wasn’t even an Epic Fail, it was just a simple, regular, boring, fail. That’s disappointing to me, Frankie. However, there just might be a way you can absolve yourself of this, Frankie, if only for old times sake.”

    I can just imagine these words being said.

    Gavin is reaching into the depths of bastarditude.

  10. alurker

    I never, ever thought that a villian named “Gavin” could be scary.
    I was wrong. *whimpers*

  11. Some Girl

    @alurker; My brother’s name is Gavin, and he makes THIS GUY look tame. :O

  12. FanXplosion

    Personally I imagine gavin with a Joker ala Mark Hammil kind of voice.

  13. Chronische

    I really do love your hacker design.
    It looks familiar. HMMMMM.
    It fits, it really does. Love the story so far. Can’t wait to see what they are planning next.

  14. matty

    aw, poor frankie, I hope he comes out alright

  15. kevin

    Yeesh, he’s tough…

  16. RaeMina

    Epic tongue frown in Panel 3.

    Seriously, Gavin is -awesome-

  17. Crestlinger

    Picturing the little mouth voice as Ezma the kitten from the Empereror’s New Groove.

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