Page 208
July 9th, 2010

Page 208

Lights out.


  1. Anonymous Man

    Hey, new guy.

  2. Riku

    Oh dips! I can’t wait to see what that thing is!

  3. Dezy

    Isn’t that Craig?
    We haven’t seen him in awhile!

  4. Dezy

    Also I’m hoping this turns into something like that Spectacular Spider-Man episode where Spidey gets locked in prison and all the gates open and all the dudes he put in there team up on him.

    Go Jack Go!

  5. Cope

    Ew, he vomited an EMP grenade.

  6. Merks

    There better be some knife fights from the General

  7. FanXplosion

    @Cope: It certainly looks that way doesn’t it?

  8. J-Web

    Hi! I’m new to reading this webcomic (it’s awesome) and I find there to be an awful lack of facepunching on this page.

  9. Nicknackss

    The general made his angry face.

  10. Lookoutshesgotapen

    I’ve just found this today and read the who thing, and I am terribly disappointed that I am not able to buy a MAX FACEPAUNCHERRR T-shirt. Because that would be amazing. Like this Wc.

  11. James

    Ooooohhhh it’s Craig !!!!!!!!!!!! ; )

  12. Swot

    Craig’s back!
    And MI has been EMPed.
    I would say S**ts about to go down, but that would be cursing.
    Next page will hopefully be epic.

  13. Rags

    Yes Jack, that was Hell. And it’s coming this way.

  14. taltamir

    wow, the hackers sure think ahead (assuming that it was a time triggered thing and not a remotely done thing)

  15. BluerzGooerz

    who’s the blonde?

  16. Jamie

    Don’t tell me people have forgotten about Craig already. 😉

  17. Thementalhyuuga

    Unloved Craig is Unloved

  18. Bottle of Awesome


    Steven Lynch Anyone? Anyone?

  19. livlife2themax

    ewwwie craig…. hes such a rotten guy…. ud think he know better….

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