Page 178
March 26th, 2010

Page 178

Jack hits hard with taunts, Max just hits hard.

It was my birthday yesterday and I got no drawing done at all! So I had no time to make a vote incentive, sorry. Also I’ve got friends coming over for the weekend so I doubt I’ll have time to make an incentive on the weekend for Monday either! On the bright side, the comics will still flow, so if you wanna vote regardless I would totally appreciate it!

Actually, you know what? no. I totally found an old sketch that wont spoil anything If I show it so THAT’S the incentive! I might not make Monday but I have something for today, dammit!

Β Click here to be a champ.


  1. Alcnor

    Max, Max, Max. Didn’t you learn from the last time that hitting girls, however psychotic, is a bad idea?

    Shit’s about to go dooooown.

  2. sanddunee

    ahhh stealthy

  3. wildace

    max looks pissed that he has to be quiet and not go in fists flying lol. i also think these hackers need to hack up a tanning booth lol

  4. Jackrabbit


  5. LtFusion

    Yay, I’m a champ. πŸ˜€

    Now I’m waiting for the pile of knocked out hackers over by the shrubbery in a zoomed out shot.


  6. KRJ

    wildace there hackers and they wear hoodies do you think that are going to be tan

  7. Alectric

    Oh, happy birthday!

  8. Isaac

    O.M.G there are faces under the masks?!…with faces on them

  9. KittenyKat

    PUNCHABLE faces. πŸ˜€

  10. Vester

    Max is an equal opportunity facepuncher.

  11. Chirigami

    Belated Happy Birthdaaaaaaay!! D: Hope you had an AWESOMELY FACEPUNCHING day. πŸ˜€ Wait, that sounds like if I wanted you to be facepunched ._.
    Oh well, it’s 06:52 a.m. and I’m still awake. Can’t blame me for my incompetence in/at/on English xD. (I hate prepositions :D) I just hope you had a great day. xD

    BTW, I don’t know how you do it, but when your characters punch someone it feels SO good. It’s not like you’re spoiling your fans, it’s just you save that SWEET SWEET SO WELL DESERVED punch for the last possible minute and then “BAM”. All that tension and hate released πŸ˜€
    Happy birthday once again. xD

  12. Kirk

    LOL Vester

  13. Ricuchi

    Max: “Falcon…PUNCH!”

  14. Jackie Artillery

    I guess I was wrong about the “bad strategy” comment. Distracting her so Facepuncher can have some fun? This is just so full of win.

  15. Kellins

    Always wanted to say it, and this seems like the perfect time.
    *clears throat*
    B**** got served. Points to Max

  16. Alexander

    Vester… just… lol.

  17. alurker

    Wow. Max punched her in the face. Didn’t see that coming…
    (and neither did she. Snigger.)

  18. Lord Rahl

    Just sayin’, Caesar’s comment on Jan. 1st (pg 154) fits Perfectly! Won’t ruin it for you, read the archives again.

  19. psydei

    Owwwwwwww facepuncher facepunched her, that had to hurt.

  20. taltamir

    thats some epic face punching right there.

  21. Luke

    Wow. The last thing I would expect from a guy named Max Facepuncher is stealth, but who cares? IT’S AWESOME

  22. MD


  23. Derecho

    Doesn’t Max know you never punch girls?!

  24. Inevitable

    Facepuncher? I ‘ardly knew ‘er!

  25. MD

    Actually, Der, you’re not supposed to punch a LADY. Which she clearly isn’t.

  26. Arch Angel

    @Ricuchi: No, it’s, “Falon ‘Face’punch! πŸ˜€

  27. newllend(voidSN)

    Punched he fucking mask off hell ya.

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