Page 177
March 22nd, 2010

Page 177

I dont think he cares, Grin.

Today the vote incentive is of Max and Crystal! Max is being very patriotic! Also thanks to everyone who’s ever voted ever, I really appreciate it.

 Vote to see the full picture!


  1. LtFusion

    Jack’s internal firewall > hacking.

  2. LtFusion

    Also, only Max can make a unicorn manly.

  3. deet

    Aussie Aussie Aussie!!!

    Love the unicorn. Looks so utterly disdainful of us all lol.

  4. Lord Rahl

    Don’t know and don’t care, crazy hacker lady.

  5. Zorpheus

    Grin: “Why can’t I hack you?”
    Jack: “i dunno lol”

  6. Afrohawk

    Last panel is absolutely great! xD

  7. gangler

    I have to wonder why grin wasn’t debriefed about this particular detail in regards to the target before the mission began. Jacks pose in that final panel is just priceless.

  8. marca311

    Jack’s mind: Well that was lucky, oh well…

    Last panel is the best pose ever!

  9. Gnauga

    That last panel looked so familiar. And then I realized why.

  10. taltamir

    he is punching the code… with the fists… of his soul?

  11. HTP

    Oh no I’ve caught up what am I going to do I need moar FACEPUNCH!

    /shrug/ 0110100011011100

  12. TCC

    I dunno, but the hax stream made me lol.
    probably because I was imagining them going “pew pew” or something.

    also, I decoded the binary. icwutudidthar. :b

  13. Jackrabbit

    Last panel is absolutely priceless.

    I imagine those 1’s and 0’s taste delicious. I don’t know why I wonder this, but since Jack appears to be hack proof, perhaps he could test this theory for me?

  14. Dizit

    Woot! Mr. unhappy is finally in with the group in panel 2 😀
    Good to see him socializing.

  15. merks

    Its because she is in love with him isn’t it? There better be a sunset shot that is highly rendered like this

  16. Jamie

    Phh-AHAHAHA you have clearly figured it out, Merks!

  17. Jamie

    Since the cat is out of the bag:

  18. Noni

    BaAHAHAaahahaaaaa pure gold Jamie

  19. Jackie Artillery

    Well that’s not smart. She stood there, stunned, and instead of taking his chance to attack, he SHRUGS? Worst battle strategy ever.

  20. Dezy

    Your mom is the worst battle strategy ever.

  21. Merks

    haha YES!

  22. Chirigami

    LOL. That last panel, well, everybody’s said it already. xD
    That looks like an Avada Kedavra hacking xD It’s even green and all.
    I can’t believe you actually made that “spoiler.jpg” Hahaha. xD

  23. Tidus

    Lovely. I finally seem to have caught up. And I hate it. Now I have to WAIT! Anyways, I’m liking Grin, so here’s hoping she doesn’t get Jack’d/facepunch’d/hack’d for failure into oblivion…

  24. Bearpelt

    JUST found this webcomic.
    I can’t figure out what I like best about it yet. I think the idea of nerds being bullies appeals to me cuz I’ve never seen that before.

    Gavin is a totally kickass bad guy, too. Love the design. If I ever met him in real life, I’d be scared of him just cuz he almost looks PLEASANT.

    Mondo coolio.

  25. Jay The Vivid

    wheres the monday update god dammit.

  26. Jamie

    Uh, this *is* the monday update…

    Hey, glad you’re enjoying the comic! 😀

  27. psydei

    Nice :]
    Just one question, the zeros and ones have any sense or you just smash randomly the keys?

  28. Philistine21

    The binary from his chest heading right to the edge of the panel spell h-e-a-r-t-a-t in ascii

    Heartattack anyone?

  29. Ricuchi

    I just pictured Donkey Kong’s Taunt in SSBB after seeing that last panel! xD

  30. taltamir

    mmm… she COULD be “faking” attacking him…
    now that the hackers have the precedence of him “shaking off a mindhack”, she could intentionally “fail” to hack him so she could tell them he is “immune” to hacking (he really isn’t) and use that as an excuse to withdraw (and hopefully avoid further confrontations with him…

    assuming that the spoiler.jpg is a joke… Also, way to go torpedoing the “official couple” there.

  31. sanddunee

    Wasn’t jacks dead brother a hacker?

  32. Jamie

    No, he just had a powerglove when he was little.

  33. Arch Angel

    I say Jack’s hackproof 😀

  34. Joe Whitehead

    Ports closed? Stealth ports? 😀

  35. Crestlinger

    The numbers. They mean Nothing!

  36. 27 Rescues The Dragon From The Evil Princess

    maybe it’s because his brain isn’t digital, or coded in binary.

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