Page 382
June 11th, 2012

Page 382

“Wh…what are you trying to say?”


  1. Tychon23

    Facepuncher is amused.

  2. Enigma

    YEAH! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! she should seal it by kissing Jack, that will show Craig

  3. Kramegame

    @Enigma: Agreed.

  4. Kramegame

    Its in caps so you know the whole city can hear it.

  5. Mr Treacey

    Where’s Cindy ?

  6. isaac

    I’m not entirely sure what’s she wants…does she want to make out? Or have a threesome with another girl? No wait I got it! She wants to get kidnapped again!

  7. Johnny Whoa

    And Max just smiles…

  8. pan_dim_onium

    She’s just playing hard to get

  9. Draconia Crystalis

    Max is just standing there, smiling… sure he’s got a fucking half-foot spike in his heart, but who cares? Just a flesh-wound.

  10. Mme Derkins

    Craig’s intelligence prolly rates around a 4.

  11. ThisGuy

    panel 4 is pretty much awesome

  12. Anon

    Love the custom typeface there, Jamie. πŸ˜€

  13. blinx92

    10 bucks say Craig finds a way to go more crazy right now, and kill everybody.

    That or just basically gives up his will to fight/live.

  14. Flaming squirrel

    Yes!!! Finally!!!

  15. Zero_Starlight

    My Sexual Tension Senses are tingling…

    – Zero

  16. The Aussie Bloke

    Jack: O_O

  17. TheMightyKamina

    Jack O.O
    Crystal O.O
    Max (─‿‿─)

  18. Calvin Copyright

    @Enigma: AGREED!!!

  19. Zizoo

    I don’t know why Jack and Crystal are so freaked over it. He’s been a dangerous, inconsiderate, and insane thorn in her side for ages. About time she did this.

    But Max is just pleased because face-punching.

  20. OutOfSight

    I just can’t get over Max’s expression xD

  21. Mme Derkins

    For the first time Craig looks truly confused and afraid of Angela.

  22. Mme Derkins

    Haha he’s even like wincing away from her as she continues to pound him lol She’s clearly venting some old pent up frustrations

  23. Zeb

    @Enigma Jack looks pretty effed up and is bleeding everywhere I don’t think he’s getting kissed right now.

    Max is just smiling and thinking “Jack chose well” while there is the spike it’s just a flesh wound nothing compared to his arm that has no skin left.

  24. Delusional

    SO does he:

    A) Jump out the window


    B) Try to blow up the entire building using the conveniently placed keyboard that is now near him because of the punching to bring the meteors that are still outside crashing into the building stating “if I can’t have you nobody can”.

  25. scidude

    Max’s face is fantastic πŸ˜€

  26. FadeIntoFlame

    Poetic justice. Only Max seems to understand. Hell If I were there I’d give her a high five!

  27. quarktime

    Craig will NOT get it.

    If he had one braincell more, he’d truly be dangerous, and if he had one braincell fewer, he’d be a plant. Probably a ficus.

    So yes, I think it’s about time for the typical “If I can’t have you, no one will,” petulant nonsense, which will require him to be beaten upside the head with a blunt instrument. I suggest a saxophone.

  28. kit

    bet he falls to his “death” when he really ends up being computerized like gavin and turning into an actual threat without human emotions and morality holding him back

  29. DukeGod

    Clearly Max is thinking “Dat facepunch!”
    or howeer is the proper way of saying the way she’s hammering Craig’s head on Panel 3.

  30. Ignis

    *looks at his old ‘theories’*

    *tosses his previous ‘theories’ out the window, and proceeds to facepunch self*


    Jamie, you’re freaking awesome.

  31. SmilingAhab

    Oh look Jack’s stopped bleeding from the eyes at least.

  32. allianna rene

    freaking love the facial expressions in panel four! <3

  33. yoshierider

    Craig tripping on his own cape. Glorious.

  34. Crestlinger

    Two surprised, one amused. Good, now if she ever gets into a similar situation give her a megaphone and run.

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