Page 381
June 4th, 2012

Page 381

Everyone is sick of your crap, Craig.


  1. Brandon

    Villain Syndrome, Less Talky, More Threatening.

  2. James

    Meh …

  3. The Aussie Bloke


  4. The Aussie Bloke

    Now castrate him with the spike >:D

  5. Ventnor

    Angel should punch bad guys more often.

  6. Camerch

    You know you suck when you get powned by your own hostage.

  7. Camerch

    I’m fairly sure Craig has lost it.
    as in back in chapter -5 lost it.

  8. Victor

    That was easy.

  9. shadowinthelight

    That is one of the best “just got punched in the face” faces ever. XD

  10. Ether101

    Yeah, nobody messed with Craig’s mind at all.

  11. The Aussie Bloke

    @Ether101: I don’t think anybody *can* mess with Craig’s mind.

    ‘Cause he seems to have lost it some time ago πŸ˜›

  12. ADemonicPresence

    craig keeps forgetting his physical stats suck

  13. Lunar

    Called it XD

  14. Cory

    Aw man, her faces in panel four and five. She is SO sick of his crap. Awesomeness.

  15. scidude


  16. The Aussie Bloke

    Hey Craig, protip: If you’re gunna take a hostage, restrain their arms.

  17. DukeGod

    Or make sure whatever you’re threatening them with can’t be taken out of your hands easily…

  18. Comrade

    Damn. Those facial expressions.

  19. sirbacon

    Hey. D:

  20. ralanr


    Thank you Angel for being the non super powered or abnormal person to actually hurt Craig. Maybe he will finally learn to SHUT UP.

  21. OwnUbyCake

    Ok this has been bugging me now. Are those meteors falling or just hanging in air menacingly. Because with Craig logic I just don’t know.

  22. Kramegame

    They are falling, however because they are made of paper mache, the updraft from the city buildings is keeping them a float. one more thing Craig failed at… either that, or they are just fireballs floating around his castle to enhance the intimidation factor

  23. Jamie

    They are on pause, mid fall.

  24. esran

    now max facepuncher will want to marry her.

  25. Kunfyoozd

    Called it
    (Different call from Lunar lol)



  27. grayfoxpianist

    I agree with Comrade. Those facial expressions are flawless, Jamie. Hahaha

  28. ThisGuy

    It’s been a long day Craig. Shut up, sit down, and try to escape tomorrow. Mmmk?

    @OwnUbyCake Yeah they got paused by Angel before she and Jack were teleported to the SpaceBase.

  29. SovietCommissar

    I must say, I do like a fighty girl…damn, Angel. What a face.

  30. Devil Chicken

    haha @ Kunfyoozd its true you totally called it. I opened today’s comic with your comment in mind, et voila! I was so hoping you were right about that. Joy! Also- craig is just looking worse and worse these days. His look is at an all-time low in panel two. πŸ™‚

  31. Devil Chicken

    I’m sure Jack and Max will award her some “points” for this

  32. Peglegpenguin

    He’s just going to come back with some other power later, not fully remembering why he absolutely hates Jack. I say either pump him up with antipsychotics or put him down for good. Because this is definitely the kind of dark comic where a villain will be saved from death, only to be killed by his rescuers out of fear.

  33. Biscuit


  34. Devil Chicken

    Craig just needs the brain wipe. That’s all there is to it. He might even turn back into a nice guy as he was before he went completely mad.

  35. Mike

    If he doesnt get punched out that window and fall to his death, you’ve wasted the entire building…….

  36. Skydron

    Either Angel has been wanting to that for a LONG time…
    Or Jack is rubbing off on her lol

    Either way I have NO sympathy for Craig right now.
    He’s had it coming since he was first introduced!

  37. Maycroft

    I always wondered why this never happened in action movies.

  38. Skydron

    Actually it has, sorta… go watch Die Hard with Bruce Willis and pay attention near the end.

  39. SprightlyOaf

    This comic perfectly epitomizes the interactions between Craig and Angel.

  40. Devil Chicken

    That’s a good call, sprightly oaf (oh, I like your handle btw).

  41. Madame Derkins formerly known as Devil Chicken

    Good ol Die Hard, settin’ the precedent

  42. kit

    wonder how long she’s been wantin to do that

  43. Conchobear

    Just spent all day reading this. Rather odd and I’m, not sure how I liked the whole hacking reality and stuff but it was interesting. I really like Jack’s personality as it’s the same as mine when I’m angry (which isn’t often) No nonsense attitude that gets stuff done no matter the odds xD Max is also a funny guy. I like how they punch stuff instead of using weapons.

  44. FadeIntoFlame

    Well Jack, I’d say she’s a keeper.

  45. Nick

    I have literally been waiting for this page since Chapter Two.

  46. MentalMister

    Nothing wrong with someone fed up with someone’s shit expressing it constructively =D

  47. TheMightyKamina

    Craig: owned more times than DBZ Abridged’s Krillin.

  48. UKNinja

    He actually has a point tho. No matter what huge asshole or evil you are, if someone wants to mess with your brain, you do whatever it takes to stop that. In Craigs case, the most he could do was to try to take a hostage. No one Can blame him for that. Blame him for being a jerk and a hopeless bastard. But don’t blame him for trying to get away from ‘brainwash’

  49. Mme Derkins

    Aww, but at least Krillin was TRYING to help… even if he never did. :/

  50. Tsapki

    Hmm, well obviously UK. Craig doesn’t believe there is anything wrong with him. He sees no problem with being quite willing to murder an entire city of people because someone mocked him. He sees no reason why he shouldn’t have everything he wants without consequence or restraint. The way he see it, he is perfectly sane.

  51. Camerch

    For the last damn time, Craig. She’s not into you.

  52. Skydron

    And here is further proof that Craig is indeed in possession of a glass jaw lol

  53. darien

    goood night everybody

  54. Crestlinger

    Should have led with the spike.

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