Page 383
June 18th, 2012

Page 383


  1. alurker

    Yeah, that’s “Kind of” weird, but maybe she doesn’t mind sooo much.

    Ohhh… and now it’s all Jacks’s fault. Of course. Never mind that they’d broken up before Jack arrived AND Craig attacked first. Meh. Another facepunch in 3…2…1…

  2. The Aussie Bloke

    I think Craig is well overdue for a little something I like to call “The Reality Bitch-Slap”

    Kinda like a reality check, but delivered more forcefully.

  3. James

    Actually Craig you started all of this waaay baaack in Principle Lockwood’s office remember …

  4. James

  5. James

    I Do … ; D

  6. Ludo

    I wonder how close he is to getting stabbed at this point…

  7. Rokka' Sokka'

    Don’t worry, Jack. I found it hot too.

  8. Flaming squirrel

    Oh, Craig… you can’t lose what you never had.

  9. ASP

    @James wow, this comic’s art style sure did change a lot since then

  10. grayfoxpianist

    I kind of almost feel bad for Craig. He’s an idiot and psychotic dick, sure, but he just wants to be loved!
    And bonus points for Jack stepping up to the plate finally.

  11. Eternity Everest

    Jack, Jack, Jack… “Sorta attractive”? Who’re you kidding? That was obviously hot. Give the girl some credit!

    …But yes, it -is- sorta weird. Save that sort of thing for the second date. This may or may not only qualify as a very strange and unfortunate first.

  12. Skydron

    Craig…. Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.

    Yes, I went there.

    Craig apparently has a strong sense of denial. All Jack did was go to public school. Craig decided to try and be the top ass so he attacked first, throwing his big temper tantrum by attacking Jack first…

    Though in Craig’s defense the other girl who is a friend of Angel (forget the name) who egged on Craig. Not much of a defense, but it still deserves to be said.

    Now then…

  13. Ignis

    Someone must cuff this man. Either with handcuffs, or a hard hit on the ear with a palmed hand to destroy his inner eardrum and leave him without balance and the ability to move in a straight line. Seriously, Shut that Hannibal Up!

  14. Arch Angel

    Hey Criag. GET OVER YOURSELF!!

  15. Arch Angel

    Craig, sorry.

  16. Anon

    In Craig’s case, a memory wipe would be a kindness. A gift he doesn’t even deserve.

  17. FadeIntoFlame

    -Insert comment about Angel’s obvious hotness increase and Craig’s brutal denial issues-

  18. quarktime

    No, Craig, you are a total douche canoe, and you sailed yourself right into the life dumper, so shut it.

  19. Del Spaig

    No, Craig! Your anger and your lust for power have already done that!

  20. Mme Derkins

    Craig, really. Not lookin’ so hot. I mean, not exactly a turn-on. He needs one of those montage crash courses in talking to and dating girls that one might find in an 80’s high-school movie, for example, from a potentially concerned 3rd party. … then again, maybe just many years of therapy?

  21. Mme Derkins

    Also, a makeover. 🙂

  22. James

    @ASP… Yeah shows how much Jamie has progressed !!!! ; D

  23. suomi

    Bitch- Slap

  24. Meaty

    Apparently Craig being abused turns Jack on.

  25. Biscuit

    @ anon
    But it is certainly a kindness that angel and jack deserve!
    In other news the art style looks awesome!

  26. Jamie

    Guys you’re making me blush!

  27. Mme Derkins

    I was just scanning the archives and realized that this is not the first time that Angel beat Craig down to the ground with punches. She also did so on Jack’s first day of school, for assuming that she was turned on by his new jacket. :]

  28. H_T

    There has to be an “Off” switch on Craig somewhere…

  29. Mme Derkins

    yeah its called a “mind wipe”

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