Page 566
June 12th, 2020

Page 566


  1. LtFusion

    Wait…’sister,’ or -sister-?!

    I thought I saw a resemblance previously in Venessa, but…cousins maybe?!

    I guess assassins groups are all about family…

    (Also, *mother’s and *sister’s in regard to the training bubble?)

  2. Jamie

    Cheers Lt. You win the prize!

  3. grayfoxpianist

    Just been catching up with the series again, love where it’s headed!
    (Also, one more small thing: whose [possessive] instead of who’s [contraction of ‘who is’])

  4. Bob

    Even if Jack beats up his cousin that just means his mom was right to train him so much so its really a loss in a way.

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