Page 471
May 22nd, 2015

Page 471

Jack is inquisitive.


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  1. Lark

    I love the black and white. I feel is does especially well in these serious scenes. I hope it makes the pages easier on you.

  2. shadowinthelight

    They punched my feels, so now I punch faces.

  3. Dravolski

    Ahh so great to read this again haven’t seen this in two years now im all caught up on a Monday… *Sniff*

  4. Sandman366

    I’m with Jack on the refusal of boring being probable.

    Also, Max…there’s a chance that instead of not wanting you, they simply might not’ve been able to keep you. Peer pressure, money, etc. Besides, if it’s simply they really didn’t want you, you can go “Ha! Now thanks to YOU, I HIT people for a living! And it’s completely legal, and you’ll never need to (or probably even be able to) hear about it! I get all the violence of delinquency, and none of the parental disapproval! Top THAT!!”

  5. Plot Senses Tingling

    Or maybe he got yanked out of a burning building and his parents have thought he was dead all along. Just like his brother. DUN DUN DUNNNN.

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