Page 437
November 8th, 2013

Page 437

“Don’t break eye contact or he’ll strike!”

Comic will update next Friday!


  1. The Aussie Bloke

    Whoo! Update!

  2. Ooorah

    Awesome! I’ve been hoping for more of this soon. Can’t wait to see where this goes.

    Hmm, I’m picturing what my pocket dimension would look like. It would probably involve both of those girls too… Too bad Jack’s such a gentleman. Otherwise the next few scenes could get very interesting.

  3. Hairybad

    Welcome back Jamie ^_^
    Good to see you updating again. Love your work!

  4. Jamie

    Thanks! 😀

  5. Oh Mario

    Nice update. I love how the girls have that “deer in the headlights” look in the last panel. Oh… I think your twitter has been hacked, for some strange reason you’re following me.

  6. Ryexander

    Damit, remember when you were productive updating once a week, Jamie?

    joke aside I want those days back, this is painful… (reads authors notes…)
    YAY! Updates!

  7. Juerujin

    Man Jones … you need to get your act together.

  8. Ether101

    Is this one of those fabled updates mi gran papi used to talk about?

  9. Speedy

    Let’s see, maybe the girls got in because he actually trusts them. They didn’t lie to him about their past like his parents did.

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