Page 436
September 20th, 2013

Page 436

Sorry if this super legit and technical I.T. talk is going over the heads of some of those of you not completely familiar with the computers and the hacking and how it can effect the human body.


  1. BoneCrusherBOB

    Holy shit it’s still alive. Thank you so much for another page. i was worried the comic had stopped. I went through and re read all the pages and got all sad yesterday.

  2. correction?

    is that supposed to be ease-dropping or did you mean eavesdropping?

  3. grayfoxpianist

    I actually checked the website today because I had a feeling it would update! Thank you so much for working so hard to keep this masterpiece alive, Jamie!

  4. Ooorah

    Awesome! I love updates.

    Yeah, that’s got to be intentional. It’s the “ease” of eavesdropping for super technical hacker good guys.

  5. The Flaming Squirrel

    “Thank you, Jarvis. That will be all.”

  6. Savail

    That Jones “no-image” on all of the monitors is a little creepy.

  7. Huh?

    Jones: Based on our understanding of young boys, we’re assuming it’s filled with girls, video games, hot dogs, and football~

  8. Jamie

    You’re right, it should be eavesdropping. I guess that’s what working on something at 4am gets me! All fixed.

  9. Ryexander

    Dam it jack, I want my own pocket dimension too. why do you have to be more awesome than me…

  10. alurker

    If it’s anything like MY pockets, that means it’s full of lint and old receipts.

  11. Ralanr

    I’d like my own pocket dimension…though I’d prefer not to be forced into a small black ball…that looked like it hurt.

  12. Ether101

    This reality bubble must also be where all the updates are trapped. Down with the bubble.

  13. Quagon

    Quite happy to see that even though it seems to be a lot of trouble getting time to make these commics that he’s still doing it.

    an update every month? i’ll take it, as long as we get something im in XD

  14. Derkins

    this verdict actually sounds like good news to me. it wasn’t something that gavin necessarily purposely did directly to him. maybe… it’ll work itself out?

  15. TPman

    It is sad to think that there are some poor souls out their who cannot even understand this simple and totally legit science.

  16. wr4ith0

    anybody else think that they could totally rescue his brother this way?

  17. Derkins

    I had that thought. If this is a “reality” bubble the result of hacking, which alters reality itself, then that means this is real. Whatever happens in there might change the future.

  18. Stig Hemmer

    I doubt that. It seems more likely that it is a copy of the past, not the past itself.

    However, the people in the bubble might be real enough to take out of it when it bursts. So we might up with a *young* Giles in the present afterwards. (And a young Mrs. Cannon, except that would make the outer universe explode from an awesome overdose)

    In other news, Jones seems very much like Gavin. Makes me worried.

  19. Grey

    Requiescat in pace, Jack Cannon comic.

  20. Jamie

    It’s not dead, just unconscious. More comics will be on the way soon!

  21. Crestlinger

    Fun, he’s got a sac of holding in his head.

  22. Speedy

    So, that’s what happens if you fall into a Hermione bag…

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