Page 424
February 22nd, 2013

Page 424



  1. ModelULTIMA

    Well, crap.

  2. Anon

    He has this dream sometimes.

  3. Anon

    Yeah now you wont sleep well.

  4. Sug Sivad

    PARANORMAL ACTIVITY! Can THIS be punched?!?

  5. Reynard-Miri

    And then he died.

  6. grayfoxpianist

    Sounds like my kind of dreams.

  7. shadowinthelight

    Come out of a coma, see dead siblings. Seems legit.

  8. FadeIntoFlame

    The Fancy Adventures of Miles Cannon?

  9. The Aussie Bloke

    Lights are on, but nobody’s home.

  10. isaac

    I’m gonna assume his brothers name is NNNAAAAAAHH

  11. Well of Three Features

    That’s not how you wake up from a coma, Jack.

  12. SilentSooYun

    Didn’t see this one coming.

  13. Huh?

    His brother is Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog~

  14. The Flaming Squirrel

    I’m almost wanting to say that Jack is is just messing with them. Pulling an Exorcist on his family and friends.

  15. Draconia Crystalis

    His brother die in a house fire or something? Seems like however he died, if he had gotten out of the house, he might have lived. Maybe Jack is reliving some extremely repressed memories of his brother’s death right now, and the terror and trauma is causing him to have convulsions.

  16. Sug Sivad

    Or maybe its a GHOOOOOOST

  17. DukeGod

    I don’t always wake up from a coma. But when I do, I do it while dreaming of my dead brother!

  18. Jerden

    Well, Jack’s awake. Not sure if that’s a good thing though, talking to dead brothers is not a sign of a healthy mind.

  19. Zorpike

    Miles. Red miles. Oh no. Jack is actually Jack Noir, and will soon become Bec Jack. D:

  20. pan_dim_onium

    Holy hell that is just awesome

  21. newllend(voidSN)

    Oh crap he’s having those flash backs again, he’s going back to NOM!

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