Page 359
January 23rd, 2012

Page 359

It HAS been a while.


  1. Advancedflea

    Jack looks kind of…dying.

  2. Tommeh!

    Poor Jack. He should probably be less excited about throwing knives and beating up Gavin, and more interested in the fact that he’s got a knife in his head, and hasn’t died. I mean, maybe its just me, but I feel like I may have noticed that rather quickly.

  3. OmegaForte

    Looks like our Jotaro wannabe is about to hit his Last Stand.

  4. wellpent

    … This page gives me the impression that Jack is stalling just as much as Gavin is.
    Whereas Gavin is waiting for the effects of the hacks to take their toll on Jack, Jack is waiting for Crystal/Angel/Max to come up with a plan. Which, really, I should be giving Jack more credit :\
    Awesome page– I think you accidentally coloured in Gavin’s fingertip in panel 2 πŸ™‚

  5. FanXplosion

    Man, these would be the coolest pages ever without Jack being all bloody. I seriously hope Jack doesn’t have major issues after this. πŸ™ Still though AWESOME PAGE JAMIE.

  6. Merks

    Jack is sooo high

  7. Juerujin

    I think by this point Jack is fully aware that he cannot actually kill Gavin … I mean there is a knife growing out of his head. What is he going to do though, panic and stop fighting? No … he’s going to keep punching him until Gavin …. or perhaps himself dies. Depending how long he last he may give the others time to do something.

  8. Tollymain

    He look so calm… πŸ™‚

  9. ThisGuy

    Jack, I know you’re kicking ass right now, but you need some help.
    The whole knife-crazy thing is fine. But your face is kind of… exploding.

  10. barrage7667

    Wow, jack is taking this whole bleeding out of his face pretty well

  11. isaac

    I think jack is getting high off this fight

  12. gangler

    @Juerujin: What’s he gonna do? Well I’d think leaving the space station would be a good goal to start working towards. That’s just me though.

  13. James

    Any time now … Soon we will reach the finale !!!! ; D

  14. James

    Any way just like his Mum trained him !!

  15. pan_dim_onium
    This page pretty much clinches the brain transferred to computer thing.

  16. Emilio

    I think that at this point, Jack has to be near death. Bleeding from his ears, eyes, nose does tend to be a sign of a minor case of… serious brain damage. I can only see ill coming from this.

  17. Ignis

    …aaand Jack’s bleeding from the eyes. It’s official – he’s about to hit the fan.

    Go Jamie Go!

  18. othorlimmis

    but in actuality, gavin was…

    …already dead.

  19. Ignis

  20. DukeGod

    Jack should’ve shanked the knifes OUT of Gavin and used them again…
    I mean, who wants to see what happens when there’s a rip in Gavins…face?

  21. Katrika

    …Gavin was just stalling Jack until the hacked space took him out, wasn’t he?

  22. Ignis

    Pretty Much. Gavin’s abuse of God Mode is even more impressive than Aizen’s…it’s ridiculous. All he has to do is let Jack kill himself in this environment.

    If I had to guess, since Jack’s body cancels hacks, his personal airspace is at a slightly negative air pressure. And since his internal pressure is now greater than than the pressure in the atmosphere around him, his body is slowly tearing itself open in order to reach equilibrium. That would explain the bleeding his face is doing right now, and even his mental state if his oxygen levels are also being affected by the anti-hack.

    Gavin doesn’t even need to all this fancy hacking – all he has to do is wait. And considering he isn’t organic or even hurtable, he has all the time in the world. The fact that he’s essentially toying with Jack right now is just the icing on the bastard cake he has baked for himself.

  23. Krell

    Dear Katrika,
    That’s what I’ve been saying for the last few comics. The fact that someone else is finally not completely ignorant is very refreshing.
    Your not-so-aquianted-aquaintence,

  24. Tollymain

    It was rather obvious Krell. Most people didn’t feel the need to state it.

  25. Ghastly Girl

    And so begins the slow death of Jack, right? I mean, if you think about this, Gavin’s kinda been making it easy for him this whole time. Gavin’s got a knife in his head and isn’t dead, so maybe Gavin’s immortal or something. So he’s just making Jack work so hard to stay alive that he’s killing himself in the process.

  26. Meaty

    Oooh, that last face made me winch a bit. Blood in da eyes, Jack. Blood in da eyes.

  27. MrTT

    It just occurred to me that the station is made out of hacking… so if they crush the computers that run gavin the station, would it wink out and they all die of explosive decompression?

  28. Hybrid

    And then they kissed.

    Jk, only in bad fanfictions.

  29. Shawwah?! Man

    Gavin: Your welcome.

  30. Kramegame

    New to here. Sad I caught it at the end of the story. it was a good archive binge. I’ll have to thank Carl over at Ginger’s Bread for the link…

  31. Kramegame

    Also, in the first frame, I thought he was gunna punch the handle of the knife in his skull. That would have been epic.

  32. UKNinja

    So many knives…
    So little blood…

  33. Ryex

    Wow, just wow. the faces! so expressive!

    also if I’m not mistaken Gavin’s hands are currently incapacitated so he can’t snap his fingers. But then again if Gavin is hacked up construct to act as an avatar for Gavin then that won’t mean much, and then again if Gavin’s body doesn’t mean anything to him why would he care that Jack can hit him or even care if jack DID hit him?
    That part is still throwing me. Why has Gavin not just dismissed his avatar? is he deliberately keeping it there so that Jack has something to focus rage on until the hacked spaced kills him?
    I mean I know that this is a doomed fight until crystal and angle figure it out and disable the computer but still. how cruel to have to be to be content to let your enemy APPEAR to be causing you damage but in reality your just sitting back and enjoying the show while the enemy slowly dies of a terminal illness? I’m just waiting for Gavin to walk up unharmed to a incapacitated and almost dead Jack and say “And nothing of value was lost”

  34. Krell


    If he leaves his avatar, where would he go? he can go from thing to thing, but being a soul, suspended between bodies? I’m not sure even Gavin could do that.

  35. Krell


    Take a look at some earlier comments. Doesn’t seem so “obvious” to them. In fact, they seem to feel that Jack is actually winning the fight.

  36. Caylex

    Urrrrggh I think I’ll peace out for the next few pages. Between Jack and Max there’s a lot of unpleasant bloodliness going around

  37. Raizion

    This maybe late, but

  38. Katrika

    Krell: Oh, I’ve suspected it for a while – but it’s true that it’s only been in the past few rounds that it’s EXTREMELY obvious. No need to be rude to other people or call them ignorant!

  39. OmegaForte

    Something I’ve been meaning to comment on, is the change of artwork. It doesn’t feel like it fits the themeing of the story…You know?

  40. Jamie


  41. Riku

    I like it. Honestly, there really isn’t too much of a difference for me. It looks more like an evolved version of how Jamie started, which is how it should be.

  42. MrTT

    @Ryex : It isn’t cruelty (although jack is cruel). Letting the enemy know he isn’t really hurting you is extremely dumb, the enemy will try something else if you do that and might actually start hurting you.

  43. Ignis

    I honestly like the change of artwork. {critique}Before, something seemed wrong with the expressions. Especially Jack’s more dynamic expressions, made the guy look older and flat flat-faced (Pages 277-280). As of the new arc he has opted for less lines for expressions, and uses them as emphasis to expressions. Overall he’s using less he lines for expressions, achieving the emotional state aimed for while keeping it clean and concise (Pages 341-342).{/critique}

    I likey very much.

  44. WiseIdiot

    Well with those knives in his hands, Gavin can’t hack.

  45. shaggydog

    there is an advertisement for knife depot on the site when i read this comic

  46. xero

    when you learn how to do something awesome in martial arts you can’t WAIT till you get to use it esp if you learned it as a kid

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