Page 340
October 31st, 2011

Page 340

Alright, good news! I have updated the fan art section with fan art (!!) and also a bunch of minecraft skins!

So go check them out and thanks to everyone who has ever sent anything in! I’m always amazed when people care enough to make artwork about my silly little comic 🙂


  1. Ryex

    Oh snap, Here comes the big reveal.

    also first

  2. Ether101 Prime

    Come on Max, be a man and uses those hack spikes to gain super powers.

    BTW Jamie, you seem to be pretty popular(which really surprising) because recently I tried to us Facepuncher as a MMO call sing and all four or five versions I could think of.

  3. Jamie

    Hah, which MMO? It might be me. :p

  4. Flaming squirrel

    Something makes me thing that Gavin is going to have ninja skills to match Jack’s since his hacking won’t work.

  5. This Guy

    Oh SNap! Next thing you know, Angel is revealed to be a big player in the hacker war

  6. Ordinaire

    Pssh, we all know Gavin’s just tactically stalling so that by the time the fight starts Jack’s REALLY week from all this hackage.

  7. hollow fish

    idk why but i feel like jacks brother plays a big part in this…… maybe its just me .__.

  8. CHT

    Could be. Truth of jack’s ability coming soon.

  9. MasterVayne

    Gavin is Jack’s brother.


  10. phildog

    Nice, but why is he telling him this now? To undermine his confidence?

  11. reynard61

    @ phildog: More likely he’s trying to redirect Jack’s anger at those who supposedly “changed” him. (I don’t think that he’s lying, but I also don’t think that Gavin does *anything* without having an ulterior motive.)

  12. Meaty

    Yay! Exposition!

    If Gavin actually was his dead brother I would double face palm and cry at the lack of logic, unless there was a REALLY good explanation for that. Jack stands no chance of winning right now, seeing as Gavin isn’t really there. Also, WHAT IS HE DOING!?

    Jack, seriously, what’s more important. Your family or some random guy that like punching faces. YOU BE THE JUDGE JACK!

  13. Lunar


    Well, Jack cant exactly leave now, can he?

  14. booper

    Of course. This explains everything. Just like I predicted. That means that after this scene, the hideout explodes and then everyone has a disco rave after that. Excellllent.

  15. Johnny Whoa

    I (fairly obviously) didn’t make this, but I came across it and thought you might enjoy. More Jack Cannon fan art!

  16. Jamie

    Iv’e seen that one before but have no idea why I havn’t posted it in the fanart section already. I’ll fix that today!

  17. Nirron

    Perhaps it was a protective measure put in place after the death of his brother due to a similar situation? Maybe. Maybe…… MAYBE. Maybe.

    In other news, in my quest to trick the Akinator “” I decided to try Jack Cannon because, no offense, he is a bit more obscure than the typical fair. Guess what? He is on there. And he has been correctly guessed at least 25 times.

  18. Jamie

    Oh wow, thats crazy! Max Facepuncher is there too!

  19. LiveLife2TheMax

    woah im sooo excited! way to leave some suspense there Jamie

  20. allianna rene

    omg….jack has been tampered?! No wonder gavin has a special interest in him… Dude where did Gavin even come from????? is he an alien or something?

  21. James

    Your comic is NOT silly keep it going great job !!!!!!!

  22. Crestlinger

    Someone made him a walking EMP field didn’t they?

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