Page 315
August 5th, 2011

Page 315


  1. LtFusion

    Oooooooh, shite.

  2. James

    OOOOOOOH now it’s getting interesting !!!!!! ; D

  3. Merks

    ‘That’s sweet… dick’

    Gavin has no respect for General grandpa

  4. James

    I think that it’s time to blow up the station Max and HURRY !!

  5. grayfoxpianist

    What a forlorn look πŸ™
    Max has shrugged off death before, I’m sure he’ll be fine.

  6. CHT

    Isn’t it JACK who has shrugged off death before? Facepuncher does not stand a chance head-to-head against gavin.

  7. Some Guy

    Behold, the danger of Nepotism in the workplace. You don’t allow your granddaughter to work in an organization with a great deal of danger involved, much less become highly visible in said organization, if you are concerned about her well being.

    I would be happy if the General were discharged and/or brought to court martial for his gross incompetence.

  8. CHT

    @Some Guy:
    If that happens, it means the end of the comic where MI is not required anymore.

  9. gangler

    @Some Guy: I fail to see how having her work elsewhere would have prevented her from being taken hostage. Their relationship was top secret. No one in the organization except for Max and The General knew about it.

    So… what? You’re positing she would have done better as a top level secret relation somewhere outside of the secure MI facilities? I’m sure whatever documents Gavin hacked to find out that The General had a grandaughter would still have been just as revealing, and then he’d have just sent a handful of lackeys to retrieve his untrained daughter from her desk job or from within her own home where there would have at the very most been a small squadron of elite bodygaurds. Crystal being kidnapped has absolutely nothing to do with her working for Mega Intelligence. Certainly it didn’t hurt the situation.

  10. Frostbite4.0

    Funny how easily the “click” at the end could be misread as the kind of person Gavin’s being.

  11. neon5162

    forget the social interacten and the plot i want to see whats on the laptop lol

  12. CHT

    You are right. Trained is always untrained. At least she can handle most hackers. The only exception is gavin. Grin may be one too fyi.

  13. CHT

    I meant to say trained is better than untrained.

  14. RaeMina

    Oh, Max will be fiiiiine. In one the fan comics it shows how Max has been alive for so long P:

  15. krondor2000

    Oh snap! Facepuncher better hurry and stop “playing” with the help. Time is running out!

  16. Caylex

    I was just waiting for this to happen. Hell, Crystal might just break the truce herself in order to save the MI and Max. Does she need to?

    It’s Max Facepuncher. C’mon! πŸ™‚

  17. Just passing

    Probably already noticed this, but there’s a typo in the first window when he says “you grandaughter.”

    Otherwise, OH (SNAP) CLICK =P

  18. phildog

    Gavin kills Max. Calling it.

  19. TM

    But Max can dodge Instant Murder, remember? (Page 204!)

  20. Jamie

    @Just passing thanks, I actually totally missed it. All fixed, you get The Prize this time!

  21. Gojiso

    Huh… Did you reverse his eyes again?

  22. Jamie

    ugh. yes. Ill fix it later.

  23. grayfoxpianist

    DAMN IT missed a chance at another The Prize. But that’s okay, ha, I’ll gladly share! And CHT, Jack has literally shrugged off death with mind hacks and the like, but Max has probably had his far share of shrugs in his day, right Jamie?

  24. This Guy

    Umm…. Fjuk

    Max almost died in the spikey coffin once and was only saved because jack was there.
    Max vs. Gavin is likely to suck majorly. Except, pretty sure Gavin is at the base, as is jack. Max dying would be bad for the plot, so i’m guessing that jack will save max again. Unfortunately, Max is perfectly able to be crippled for life. His death is the only thing i see being held off until a later date.

  25. grayfoxpianist

    … He would’ve gotten out of the coffin… Haha

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