Page 316
August 8th, 2011

Page 316

Girl, I need you to do some murders for me.

We have also done a new episode of the Nerd Train. it is so new it is a DOUBLE EPISODE!


  1. RikuKitty

    Why do I feel like Max isn’t gonna die so easily?

  2. gangler

    She’s not accustomed to murder, and thus far everyone in the base seems to lack any combat training. That’s suspicious. It means something, I just don’t know what yet. Definitely gonna be significant once we find out what Gavin’s goals are.

  3. James

    Not really ‘Grinning’ is she !!!!!!! ; D

  4. Frostbite4.0

    well she didn’t feel too bad about killing jack…

  5. Xaviertrix

    I sense a distraught-wroth disagreement with orders.
    Because Grin *does* seem human at this point – lack of mask, pic, etc…

  6. Jamie

    If you go back and look Grin was never actually that impressed with being asked to kill Jack.

  7. Lazy J

    Jamie’s right Grin has all these reserves about killing and you can tell from her facial experssion that she’s mortifyed with the idea and appaled

  8. grayfoxpianist

    For being Gavin’s right hand, Grin isn’t all that cold and emotionless like some main henchmen are. That’s a pretty huge flaw considering her line of work…

  9. BluerzGooerz

    Max isn’t going to die, that’s just not possible. I mean, he’s Max-Frickin’-Facepuncher for pete’s sake!

  10. TwoHalves

    Why do her eyes seem so…off? the third and fifth panels?

  11. Caylex

    Is there even ONE hacker who has actually claimed a life? Besides Gavin, that is… I’m most certain he’s had to kill for his goals before. “I’m not a murderer, Jack; but I am a killer.”

    Anyway, if there are any REAL monsters among Gavin’s hackers, I think they’ll get their shot, soon.

  12. Alectric

    So the hair in front of Crystal’s eyes is colored in, but the hair in front of Grin’s isn’t?

  13. Arch Angel

    At least Gavin said please.
    Best villain ever.

  14. Jamie

    it was kind of important that you see gins eyes.

  15. Jessica J.


  16. jmkool


  17. taltamir

    i think she is going to run away with max instead.

  18. This Guy

    I think we may get a turncoat soon. I think i like grin because of her humanity.
    She probably know Gavin before he was …you know … GAVIN. So she probably has a reason why she has followed him so far.

  19. This Guy

    I think we may get a turncoat soon. I think i like grin because of her humanity.
    She probably know Gavin before he was …you know … GAVIN. So she probably has a reason why she has followed him so far.

  20. Dudess Of Darkness

    Did Grins eyes change colour?

  21. Meaty

    Well, I think we all know what’s going to happen now. Grin’s going to say “alright, I’ll go kill Max”, then she’ll actually tell Max to leave, then come back to Gavin and say “the deed is done” or something. Then Gavin will eventually find out and Grin will be in trouble.

    That, or Max is screwed. But I doubt he’d be killed off so soon.

  22. Uru

    I’m with Meaty. This sounds like a pretty clear “Grin’s going to have a crisis of conscience” situation.

  23. Jamie

    @Dudess Of Darkness

  24. Biscuit


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