Page 314
August 1st, 2011

Page 314

Hey everyone, no podcast this week, sorry. But look you still get a comic! Thank goodness! πŸ˜€


  1. FanXplosion

    Oh… Oh no! RUN MAX! RUNN!!!

  2. gangler

    Yeah, Max might not survive this deal.

  3. Kanaka

    I like the one hand under the pits and the other raised.
    What an understanding villain. I’m beginning to like Gavin more and more.

  4. James

    A Great comic it is indeed !!!!! ; D

  5. Rez

    Another view of Gavin, where you can’t quite tell if he’s in a suit of Red/White, or if that’s his actual skin (hacked into existence or otherwise).

    Also, this brings up the comment back then…
    “You’ll just… avoid Instant Murder?”
    “IF I HAVE TO! I’ll dodge it…”

  6. SovietCommissar

    Some of the best parts of these last few strips have been Crystal’s facial expressions. F’realz.

    Also? Gavin doesn’t have shit on Max. OR MI.

  7. Arch Angel

    Nice view of his glove.

    What? I had to say something that no one else has already.

  8. Isaac

    wel since were clear on the matter lets see max destroy everything and plans fail

  9. CHT

    You ever wonder why he (gavin) has to paint his body? I want gavin’s gloves.

  10. matty

    Yeah, someone’s deff gonna die.

  11. Caylex

    I do indeed get the impression that Gavin is a lot of things, including calm, understanding, and generally against violence. None of those things disinclude him from being a total villain of course, but at least while he does evil things he’ll look respectable.

    Oh yeah, I’ve been thinking more and more recently about this guy named Jim or Josh or something… he had brown hair, a little on the short side, and beat up some hackers.

  12. gangler

    The one who lost his legs?

  13. Caylex

    That was Caesar. He’s got red hair.
    This dude’s last name was Shotgun or Rifle or something. I don’t think I’m gonna remember, sorry.

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