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June 27th, 2011

Page 304

Women’s intuition saves the day

A new podcast will be posted later today at I will tweet when that sucka is up.

EDIT: That sucka is up!


  1. HiroOdan

    He’s got the My Precious face going on now.

  2. Merks

    Max will never let him forget this

  3. Frostbite4.0

    @merks: nice 🙂

    really, Craig? Jack ruins everything? Have you seen what you’ve done with the place?

  4. gangler

    Damn. Guess Craig can throw a punch. Maybe he should do that more often. Seems to work more effectively than his standard methods.

  5. Spastic typer

    Craig throws a punch? Yeah right, look at that sound effect! Look at that speech bubble! Calling that a punch would be like saying babies are boxers. Though he did manage to catch Jack off guard.

  6. gangler

    Caught Jack off guard and got his keyboard back. May not have knocked out any teeth but he got the job done. Catching Jack off guard would probably be a much more sound method than anything he’s been doing.

    Not saying Craig’s secretly a bruiser or anything, but this is the first time he’s done anything that’s met with anything resembling personal success. He wanted his keyboard back, now he’s got his keyboard again. Worked just fine.

  7. Metallifan

    Hah, did he hurt his hand when he hit jack?

  8. Radnar

    Major props on panel 1! Just one word, but tons of heartwarming right there.

  9. DukeGod

    I bet he punched with his thumb inside the hand ¬¬’

  10. Grey

    And now Craig shall accuse Jack of stealing his life/health/girl/etc., like all good arch-nemesis type people do. And I’m hoping Angel agrees, maybe it’ll stun Craig long enough for Jack to re-smack him. 😀

  11. Chirigami

    @Radnar I read “Just one word, BUTTONS of heartwarming right there.” and thought you were talking about the keys on the keyboard… xD That’s a ninja pun there, even if you didn’t intend to make it.

  12. phildog

    Wait, did Craig just get the jump on jack? How the fuck did that happen?

  13. Ordinaire

    “AAAH!” *dunff* “ah.” Best sequence ever XD

  14. grayfoxpianist

    This is an especially amazing strip update today, Jamie. The romance with Jack and Angel, the tensions with Craig… Just awesome!

  15. Vox

    Well Jack, I hope you’ve learned the first rule of post-combat: NEVER turn your back on an enemy, especially if you only hit them once. Also, Craig, you of all people should know there is no safe way to grab a keyboard from someone, especially when a single button can stop hail the size of Volkswagens… Seriously, with his hand there (if it is a stock keyboard), you’re looking at any combination of 15 letters, the spacebar, at least 4 numbers, as well as alt and possibly control! Think of the mayhem he could unleash accidentally! Oh wait…

  16. Ignis

    In the defense of Jack, he was having a moment. That and Craig probably just broke his hand.

    You are getting much better at the crazy faces. I can almost taste the insanity (which is purple soda, if you were curious). Now all we need is a good beat-down before Mr. Crazypants does something worse than cast Meteoga on the town. Like cast Supernova…though if he did, they’d have about 4 minutes to kick him down.

  17. taltamir

    jack mother would be VERY disappointed in him.

  18. Lazy J

    THEIR’RE THIEVES! they stoles it from us! the Precious!

  19. SovietCommissar

    And here I thought Craig might sometime turn around. Either him or Grin, so there’s still SOME hope…

    Also, oh my, Angel.

  20. Destrustor

    I think Craig missed his prescription of knuckle sandwich, and I hope doctor Jack can give it to him soon.
    Also it would be so cool if Angel just lost her shit and whooped his ass herself while Jack watches in astonishment.
    WE (punch!) WERE (punch!) HAVING (punch!) A (punch!) MOMENT!!! (knee-to-the-groin!)

  21. Fab

    It looks like he just had a “DAHHHH!!” moment.

    I’m waiting for a plunger gun… and rabids

  22. SomeUnregPunk

    i wonder if you are going to kill him.
    that would probably hurt jack a lot more. It is one thing to punch but quite another to kill.

    like in the spiderman movie where he accidentally kills the guy that killed his uncle. the movie doesn’t really show this affecting him other than wanting to go superhero… which seems like a fail on the story part.

    I talked with a hunter that accidentally killed another hunter. Even though he has killed lots of animals prior to the accident, the death haunted him for many years. He doesn’t hunt anymore.

  23. Jamie

    Ill tell you this much; killing someone will never be met with a one-liner while applying sunglasses in this comic. That stuff is heavy, I dont care who you are.

  24. Jamie

    unless its funny.

  25. Jamie

    (is he joking?)

  26. Jamie

    (I dont know!)

  27. taltamir

    Well, Craig isn’t at all bothered by the massive amount of people he is killing

  28. Steriema

    She “pauzes” the hail, and “breaks” Craig. Nice one!

  29. BluerzGooerz

    Can i have panel four as a poster? All the expressions are amazing and right on target. I wanna poster, Jamie, MAKE IT HAPPEN! 😀

  30. Jamie

    @taltamir: Craig honestly thinks that’s Jack’s fault.

    @BluerzGooerz: that would be a crazy weird sized poster!

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