Page 305
July 1st, 2011

Page 305



  1. Anon

    Hello, Gavin, next we see these guys?

  2. MasterVega

    But can it really be Gavin? I don’t know what sort of McGuffin could do this outside of hacking, but considering Jack’s immunity wouldn’t a teleport hack just leave him behind?
    Perhaps we’re about to see how Mega Intelligence fights back against hackers…? They’re hands are also kinda tied at the moment, so… uh… Enter the third party?

  3. gangler

    Sure it’s Gavin. Can’t teleport Jack so instead he rewrote the area around Jack to match the new location and rewrote the new location to match this place. We’re looking at an entirely new [insert city name here] that has been brought into existence five hundred miles north, meteors and all, except without Jack, Angel, and Craig. The cartographers are gonna hate this.

  4. GNU/Hacker

    VOIP?! Oh no, he hath summoned the powers of the evil Skype!

  5. Tohru

    VOIP? VOIP? Maaaaan… I hope ports 5060 and 5070 is open or else they’re going to be stuck in cyberspace >.>

  6. MasterVega

    Silly me. I should have figured that out. lulz

  7. Anon

    Indirect hacking, again? Whoa.

  8. Meaty

    Oh noes! Is Gavin up to his old tricks again?

    But seriously, if it is Gavin they’re all screwed.

  9. RaeMina

    Five bucks when thye reappear again, Jack will still nail Craig in the kisser >w>

  10. Raiser

    @RaeMina: Loaded bet, I wouldn’t take it. (Entirely likely.)

  11. This Guy

    @Raiser Agreed

  12. quarktime

    Oh noes! It’s Anti-Sec!

  13. Disconnected

    Maybe it was Craig?

  14. Imakuni

    Well, Craig does have his fingers over the keyboard as if he was about to type.

  15. Grey

    Am I the only one who thinks Craig has the same expression as the Creepers from Minecraft? Or maybe I’ve just been playing too much Minecraft.

  16. Ving

    Uneibleavble how well-written and informative this was.

  17. Crestlinger

    Meanwhile the people wondering where the hell these metoerites came from are going to have the best BBQ roof party Ever.

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