Page 303
June 24th, 2011

Page 303

This comic is a work of fiction.


  1. HiroOdan

    Whew just some minor damage to some buildings, nothing too serious, unless of course you live in said buildings… owechies. Now how do they figure on unhacking the firery balls of doom as they sit there?

  2. arch angel

    Pause. When you need the action to stop so you can figure out your next move. Brought to you today by Microsoft. Microsoft Works.

  3. gangler

    wtf? Hacking’s that easy? So why doesn’t mayhem ensue every time someone types?

  4. Jamie

    Think of it as running a program, she paused the hack itself. Just going around pressing pause at everything wouldn’t work.

  5. Kanaka

    LOL! Finally found a use for that button? Never knew that key had a functional use.

  6. Ignis

    The disadvantage of using a regular keyboard – they come installed with pause buttons. Just think if he still had his Power gloves…actually, I think those have a game pad built in – they’d have a real pause button.

    I was expecting Jack to go more postal than he did – you know, just change his name to Jack Facebreaker for awhile, go red eyes of death and let the happenings happen. Can’t wait to see what happens to our reality hacking villain here – somebody really needs to just seal his hands in concrete blocks or something.

    This web comic is great – Keep up the awesome!

  7. justme

    Waiiiiit a sec. Didn’t gavin say a while back that the hackers were ‘special’ people? Maybe Hacking is innate and not something just anyone can learn? But then it could also explain Jack’s apparent immunity to hacking. He’s an ‘anti hack’ or something. Or someone with the potential to hack?

  8. Matias

    So THAT’S what the button does!

  9. GNU/Hacker

    ^C (Ctrl-C, that is) would have been more realistic, since it normally sends SIGINT to the foreground job running in the terminal (on UNIX-like systems, that is). Or maybe ^Z followed by “kill -9 %” for those little annoying processes that install signal handlers for SIGINT.

  10. Merks

    phew! he deserves a refreshing Tab

  11. DukeGod

    Hacking is quite old apparently
    My dad is a programmer and he said the last time he pressed Pause was like 10 years ago XD

  12. Ordinaire

    To quote Jamie: “….she paused the hack itself.”

    So did Angel run up and save the day while Jack just stood there trying to figure out what to do? or was that just a typo? if not, then yay for feminine ingenuity!

  13. Jamie

    Yeah, that was Angel. The page didn’t make it very obvious, sorry. *shame*

  14. tinfoil hat

    Angel is clearly Gavin.

  15. SomeUnregPunk

    that remind me of old games that use that key… I haven’t seen any other program use that in today’s times. the last game I used that is in Shogo and that came out back in the 90’s.

  16. Jeff

    What’re the chances that Angel’s a hacker gone good…? It should be the hackers that have the power, not the keyboards, not even if the keyboard was used by one.

  17. taltamir

    but it was krystal who pushed pause… maybe she has the hacker powers in her.

  18. taltamir

    wait, is that angel or krystal?

  19. dim

    and now jack is a hacker!

  20. Grey

    No, apparently crystal is a hacker…and touching Jack. I can’t wait for the “realization of physical contact” awkwardness to happen.

  21. Mathygard

    I’d try Alt+F4.

  22. Hobbes

    Guess what reverses all of this as if it hadn’t ever happened?
    Depends on the OS, really… For a PC, Backspace. For a Mac, Return. πŸ™‚

  23. grimandgrimmer

    It’s a miracle!

  24. taltamir

    So… how many people did greg just kill?
    If I was just I’d snap his neck right now before he goes on another killing spree

  25. Jamie

    I hate Greg so much.

  26. Zero_Starlight

    Oh look, time for the victory make out scene.

    …What? It’s the cliche thing to do.

    – Zero

  27. LostInPhilly89

    Jack used “tap every key in sight.”
    It wasn’t effective at all.

  28. taltamir

    Its not that I hate greg, its that he is a powerful and dangerous mass murderer who needs to be put down.

  29. This Guy

    Umm, Jamie. Shouldn’t you know your own characters names?
    How could you be thrown off so easily?
    It’s “Craig” not “Greg.”
    I’ll just assume you’re tired.

  30. Jamie

    I was trying to be funny πŸ™

  31. Disconnected

    Don’t Worry Jamie he was probably trying to be funny too, and if not then I’m sure most others got your meaning.

  32. Lazy J

    lol lov ethe last panel and the epic sound effects PHEW!

  33. taltamir

    @This Guy: Huh, it IS Craig… for some reason I remembered him as Greg.

  34. BluerzGooerz

    i guess you can kinda tell that it’s Angel who pressed the button, she has a skinnier hand and a darker skin color, but that’s only because I stared at it for an hour after reading the comments. otherwise i’d’ve thought it was Jack

  35. This Guy

    No worries Jamie. Text alone has problem showing any emotion. Only pure fact.
    I Just forgot to try and read with some emotion. XD
    Turns out I was the tired one.

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