Page 286
April 25th, 2011

Page 286

Max is pretty used to being yelled at by the General at this point.

Hope everone had a good Easter!


  1. LtFusion

    Whoa, the General’s head is going to explode. That or his eyes will.

  2. Frostbite4.0

    If Max ever gets his own spin-off,

    I think that silhouette would look really cool.

  3. Merks

    yeahhh boyyy

  4. grayfoxpianist

    he mad?

  5. Meaty

    …Is he going to fix it with violence by chance?

  6. This Guy

    Surprised? Nope.

  7. RaeMina

    …Stupid like a FOX!!!!

  8. Raizion

    He has crystal’s scarf! He’ll be a-okay!

  9. Redde

    So you caled Facepuncher stupid.

    You mean he usually isn’t?

  10. BluerzGooerz

    Is it bad I laughed at the last panel? XD

  11. Phil

    Yea, this only makes me like him even less. Honestly, what unbelievable arrogance.

  12. SweetRevenge

    max should wait for some blackup

  13. Envoy

    So much raeg..

  14. BobbyBG33k

    YEAH! Hero’s gotta make the tough decisions! Don’t let terrorism stop you from doing what’s right! Go FACEPUNCHER!! GO! ….Sorry, got a little excited there. I am really enjoying this comic and the characters here.

  15. marca311

    I think that he is going to use his very persuasive peaceful negotiating skills to navigate some kind of peace treaty that will last between hackers and normal people that will never be violated as long as the earth exists and everyone will live in harmony and peace.

    or, he’ll just punch them, that would work too.

  16. yoshierider

    I just noticed the second panel putting a little emphasis on the fist in Max’s shirt. Perhaps this is a hint toward what Max is about to do (punch faces?).

  17. gangler

    @yoshierider: If actionjamie feels he has to give hints regarding upcoming facepunches from Max, he assumes very little intelligence of the readers…

  18. zack of hiskatana

    wow, so sorry i forgot to check this for months!

    I practically rofl’d at the last panel. in fact im still lawling.
    i love facepuncher, he is made of win and sweats awesome sauce.

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