Page 285
April 22nd, 2011

Page 285

Max is all “Whaaaaaaat?”

Yay it’s Good Friday! And soon it will be Easter! I hope you all have a good both of those.

See you monday!


  1. gangler

    So… we gonna get to see Max go rogue? As much as he’s at the top of his field I can’t see him actually having a diverse enough set of talents to last too long outside the agency.

  2. Ventnor

    He’s still gonna do it anyway.

    Because Max Facepuncher doesn’t take no guff from nobody!

  3. kit

    I keep getting a picture of max punching through the wall and hitting a walking hacker in the face stuck in my head for some reason.

  4. arch angel

    He’s Max Facepuncher. Any situation that he would need help with, he just punches out of his way. Kind of like Chuck Norris.

  5. gangler

    You can’t punch your way through everything. A bomb needs disarming, you better hope you can call hq to have someone tell you which wire to cut. Get poisoned by a french assassin, sure, you can punch the antidote out of him, but you’ve better hope you speak some french otherwise he can tell you everything in the world and it’ll do you no good. Evil mastermind making his getaway on a plane, welp, if you can’t pilot a plane then you’re boned. Maybe you can punch a pilot to fly a plane for you, but in the time it’ll take to do that he’ll be gone. Plus, once you’ve beaten up the pilot he’s probably not flying too steady anyway.

    Ooh, don’t even get me started on computer related issues. He’s combating hackers and yet he leaves all the computer stuff to crystal. That’s one hell of a limitation right there.

    He sure as hell doesn’t seem to be able to give himself medical attention. “Shrug it off” looks good on him for sure, but later when the hackers have lopped off one of his legs, or even if it’s just broken, he’ll really wish he had someone who could patch that up before he starts chasing Gavin down a hallway. He’ll really need both his legs for that little venture.

    He’s badass to be sure, but let’s not pretend he’s a match for Gavin, his resources, and his armies, all by himself. He needs someone to back him up, to fund his flights around the world, to fill in the gaps in his skill set, to do all the big picture type thinking and planning. Remember his last encounter with Gavin?

    If Max could handle this on his own we wouldn’t even have gotten to this point in the story. Gavin would have been neutralized long before Jack left homeschool and we’d be enjoying the story of a lovable headstrong dweeb trying to fit in at school and having no luck in this pursuit.

  6. grayfoxpianist

    I wish this comic updated more. I understand why it’s not, and I appreciate that you even update regularly, but GOD, Jamie, you just HAD to make it that good!

  7. BluerzGooerz

    General, what is wrong with you!? Don’t you know Max at all!? You know he’s just going to go after Crystal anyway! Might as well just let him go be the bad-ass he is!

  8. This Guy

    This is where max decided to quit and kicks butt anyway.
    Then when Gavin calls him out on it the contract will be gold anyhow.

  9. Whisperingsage

    It’s so perfect! He’s going to agree to Gavin’s demand, so when Max goes “rogue,” it’ll be against his orders, so he’ll have his hands clean.

    Of course, it would all depend on how Gavin responds to that. He could just decide that the General knew Max wouldn’t agree to it, and respond in kind.

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