Page 261
January 28th, 2011

Page 261

He just couldn’t resist, I guess.


  1. Frostbite4.0

    I could ask you the same thing Gavin.

  2. Jack

    It is an adorable face.

  3. Taragor

    I’m still wondering what in god’s name Gavin is, besides being SUPER PIMP.

    Is he human? Robot? Does he just have a weird skin condition?

  4. Cope

    Is Jack Cannon a bad enough dude to rescue the MI chief’s granddaughter?

  5. grayfoxpianist


  6. Anaya

    @Grayfox: Aw man, the moment I saw his face I was going to say “UMAD?” xD

  7. ?

    what emoticon is gavins mask anyways? i have been wonderin that for a while

  8. UnkownSoldier

    I’d say it looks like 😐 but that’s just my opinion.

  9. Batz.

    a ligt smiley face ofcourse πŸ™‚

  10. Jamie

    Yes. It was some weird curly lip thing when I started drawing him though, but I didn’t really like it, so, slight smily.

  11. The One

    He hacked himself into existence, duh!

  12. Kirk

    Gavin is Anonymous.

    Crystal looks like she has a really freaky mouth.

  13. Envoy

    Why so serious?

    Gavin you sly dog.

  14. zack of hiskatana

    i have this theory that gavin considers that mask to be his face, if one were to remove it gavin would pull a rorschach and scream “gimme back my face!!”

    u kno he would πŸ˜›

  15. arch angel

    Why the face? Why not?

  16. Imakuni

    I think Gavin was a human, but hacked himself into being… Whatever he is. Just IMO.

  17. Alec


  18. BluerzGooerz

    Gavin, there’s a loophole here. You’re saying that the General has to be in the truce, you say nothing about Max Facepuncher. He’ll be going against General’s orders in no time, he wouldn’t be Facepuncher if he didn’t! So, yeah, you might wanna think that over, Gavin =)

  19. yoshierider

    From what I can tell, Facepuncher is already on his way; he probably won’t even get the orders.

  20. booper

    I want to punch Gavin in the face right now and also hug him. Is this a bad thing?

  21. badgerman10

    General, wtf?

  22. Vash_ts

    generals face traslated to hackers:


  23. Shawwah?! Man

    heeeeeeey! This is my birthday! YOU POSTED ON MY BIRTHDAY! YAY! (man, THAT WAS LIKE, 10 MONTHS AGO!)

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