Page 240
November 12th, 2010

Page 240



  1. LtFusion

    “I didn’t…” Yep, Craig hasn’t changed at alllll.

  2. Nicknackss

    And then he went Bwoop

  3. Merks

    man these two guys would make a great drama/comedy show. Craig should know that Frank was the ladies man

  4. Jamie

    @Merks Imagine this page with a laugh track.

  5. BluerzGooerz

    @Jamie and i thought comedy sitcoms were bad with laughtracks O.O
    great page btw

  6. Ventnor

    Welp, I can already tell this will end will for Craig.

    Because we know that Gavin is very understanding of people who quit the Hackers.

    Very, VERY understanding.

  7. Riftblade

    Nice “up-yours” right there! Lol!

    If words cannot accurately describe your feelings, or you just need the most accurate weapon for the situation, go for…

    …THE FINGER!! Dun Dun Dunnnnnn!!

  8. Merks

    @jamie I imagine all of your pages with laugh tracks and “Ohhhhhhhhhhs” and “awwwwwwwws” and “look behind you”. Basically the studio audience for married with children

  9. Jamie


  10. SweetRevenge

    so is Frankie concerned because Gavin will be mad or is he concerned that Jack will beat him up

  11. marca311

    Gotta love Frankie’s expression on the second last panel. Especially when he is all monsterized like that. What will happen to Craig?

  12. Tsapki

    @ SweetRevenge. Well, consider that it might be both. Craig is still a Hacker, like it or not, and if he goes off and starts something with Jack tht can constitute a violation of Gavin’s promise, thus making Gavin angry and turning Craig into a pumpkin or a tasteful reproduction of The Scream.

  13. taltamir

    frankie is just worried that craig will end up like he did…
    and I suspect he would…

  14. Swot

    Ooh, I hadn’t even considered the possibility of it violating Gavin’s and Jack’s armistice. Hehe if it does, there’s really no hope in hell for Craig. I want to see this.

  15. Elkian

    And Craig didn’t even consider dehacking him…why?

  16. Jamie

    Human hacking is tricky business. If Craig got something wrong Frankie could end up inside out or with liquefied organs.

  17. nightarix

    @elkian probably because trying to de-hack him without knowing exactly how grin did it could potentially kill him? its about the same reason if someone mutated you into say an anthropomorphic rabbit. only that person could possibly reverse it with the minimum chance of causing more harm then good because they are the only ones who know exactly what they changed to turn you.

  18. newllend(voidSN)

    That’s breaking the deal man.

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