Page 239
November 8th, 2010

Page 239

Who could he be talking about?? 😮


  1. LtFusion

    Still hooked up on Angel…classic Craig…

  2. Johnny Whoa

    Oh snap they got Angel D:

  3. BluerzGooerz

    i dnt think they’d apriciate Craig just walking out like that to find angel, unless they hav angel too (O.O)

  4. Swot

    I wouldn’t suggest doing anything that may inadvertently piss of Gavin, I mean, you see what happened to Frankie don’t you?
    Also, I think this would be a great time to reevaluate your priorities. I’d rank staying alive (and perhaps refining yourself to be a bit more socially and hackingly skilled) above going to see Angel just yet.

  5. FanXplosion

    Man… I just figured Craig and Frankie were just talking about home, and Frankie was just saying, “You shouldn’t go HOME. She doesn’t wanna see you.” But the commentators have me worried.

  6. SweetRevenge

    I thought “she” was referring to Grin lol

  7. Tsapki

    Hehe, seems things just may come full circle. Jack got tossed into this mess entirely because Craig had a thing for Angel and look what he was going off to do. I know it may be a broken record at this point but once again I see the possibility of Craig screwing up the Hacker/Cannon Treaty of May ’10.

    Still I wouldn’t mind some insight eventually into just what made Craig such n utter jerk. Angel herself said he wasn’t always like this and while it could easily be Hacking ability going to his head, one can never be too sure without all the facts. Speaking of which I need to set up an elaborate system of reflecting mirrors to see what is in the Cannon file Crystal is likely perusing.

  8. Swot

    Conspiracy theory, Craig was turned into a jerk by a mind hack on the order of Gavin! Gavin foresaw all of these events and secretly manipulating everything such that Jack will lose his naivety and gain confidence and social skill. This is all because Gavin is Miles reincarnated into computer code by Grin, who was his girlfriend at the time of his death.

    Mad ramblings aside, I hope we get to learn more about the Grin/Gavin relationship. (Aka why Grin seems special, is the only female hacker we have seen so far, and can get away with more than the morons can… oh wait).

  9. Some Unreg Punk

    Craig seems to me to be just a kid that was given too much power without enough to reign him in.

    It’s like allowing your dog to walk around inside your house, piss & shat anywhere, eat whatever and whenever, even to allowing the dog to pick food off your own dishes while you and your family eats.

    This is both Craig’s fault and Gavin’s. Craig’s immaturity and Gavin’s leadership errors.

    Gavin doesn’t seem to be able to command through respect but through fear. That type of command creates peons that will only act appropiately when they are close enough to the source of the fear. I think Gavin is being protrayed as someone that is too full of himself to understand the basic problems of his own organization.

    … Take the game company “Realtime worlds.” Their owner became too prideful in his own abilites and his vision for the future of his company that he became blind to his company mismangement of resources. That company made one successful game then given millions more to create another a new product. He became blind to his group problems as he tried to create his wonderous new product.

    It looks like Gavin is on the same path. He has had so much success and his own vision for the future is blinding him to the present problems. He even acknowledges this to some extent when he makes the peace treaty with Jack Cannon.

  10. Swot

    Oh I just had a thought (It’s rare, I know lol). It would be sad if Gavin turned on Frankie out of anger. That, or hilarious as Frankie tears him to shreds 🙂

  11. Jackrabbit

    I wonder if he’s considered that doing something she feels bad about could include letting his stupid ass live.

  12. Swot

    Dangit, not Gavin. I meant to say if CRAIG turned on Frankie out of anger.

  13. Arch Angel

    @Swot’s conspiracy theory: Um, wow. That’s just messed up enough to work.

  14. BoBoJo

    Your book is too fucking expensive. I think I’ll just save the paves, upload them to and then pay like $15.00 for a hardcover, full color book.

  15. Michael

    I think maybe Craig got a sibling, a younger sister, who possibly works for the Hackers as well? If so, she probably really don’t like him, maybe something happened in/with his family and it made him the bastard he is today? ^^

  16. Jamie

    @BoBoJo The pages are only 72DPI on the site, and not all formatted for print, the resulting book would be low quality and in violation of copyright, I believe.

  17. LtFusion

    @BoBoJo And it would make you a dick.

  18. cataclysmicbrain

    Awesome comic ansld worth every penny

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