Page 235
October 25th, 2010

Page 235

Gavin attempts a penetrating glare.


  1. AdvancedFlea

    Gavin has a point. I’d brick it at that last comment

  2. grayfoxpianist

    Yeah, I’d never thought of the Hackers like that before. And it’s been said many times, but GAVIN IS SOFA KING EPIC

  3. ThisIsAScreenName

    I’m sure Gavin’s glare would be much more affective if he didn’t appear to have a permanent smile on his face.

  4. SolasLunas

    He definitely has a point there. I’d be tweaking balls.

  5. FanXplosion

    @ThisIsAScreenName: I dunno… It’d be that much creepier to me. Non-moving face and lips just taunting you? I’d be more intimidated by that than a face. Faces reveal things and are human. Gavin’s face is blank. Nothing to read or gain by studying it.

  6. Ventnor

    … I suppose the only thing we can do is duck under the nearest table. Forever.

    That will save us from Gavin’s army of Nuclear-equipped children, right?


  7. Alectric

    All of Gavin’s actions so far seem to be about neutralizing those who oppose him. But what does he actually WANT? What is his goal? The “kids with nuclear weapons” just want to mess around and abuse hacking for petty purposes, but what is Gavin himself after?

  8. Seros Senric

    Yes, Gavin does have a point. Children are terrifying. I have yet to encounter anything with a greater potential of scariness than a child.
    Give said child the capability of nearly destroying the world… Not something I’d want to encounter.

  9. Riftblade

    Gavin = Epic!

    ‘Nuff said!

  10. Kellins

    kids are easy to control. make yourself a sharp stick, gab ’em, and the flock away like sheep. So in my view, Gavin just gave nuclear bombs to a bunch of sheep.

    Ooooo, I’m scared….not

  11. random

    he does have a good point, love your comic btw

  12. Tier Twenty

    This basically the premise of Pokemon, I hope you realize.

  13. Jamie

    People just dont get how scary that game is.

  14. Mornar

    I how no idea how, but Gavin, that guy that seemed like a generic villain to me up to this point, suddenly became awesome.

  15. Tsapki

    To Kellins

    True, but they’re Gavin’s sheep. Think on Craig if you will. Weak, egotisical, cowardly, he’ll curl up and do what you say if you can back up your threat. The moment you turn your back or he has someone to hide behind… well I hope that launch button is further away than you are. Kids tend to have longer memories than sheep where imagined slights and revenge fantasies are concerned.

    Huh, it just occurred to me that most people seem to be taking Gavin’s second example rather than his first aka ‘kids with godpowers’. Given the nukes are easier for us to comprehend but anything animal, vegetable or mineral with the ability to turn my eyes into acid or something can be frightening.

    Off subject, I really wonder what Gavin’s tone would be in the last panel. The logical ‘stating the obvious part that you missed’ tone or the seething, threatening tone of forcing you to realize how dangerous the situation may be. Given Gavin is under suspicion form use of being part computer code or something I would go with the former.

  16. Ordinaire

    I just wanna see the general’s face when he realizes that crystal is missing. That’ll be an angry old geezer.

  17. Rusty-Knight

    Gavin may be a villain, but he’s MY hero. (D

  18. UnkownSoldier

    To be a hacker, do you just have to know how to code, or do you have a special hacking computer/keyboard, or is it more like magic? Because if you just needed a computer and knowledge of coding, MI (or whatever the agency is calling themself, forgot what it is) could just recruit a bunch of teens from the Internet to hack the hackers.

    However, assuming that you need some innate knowledge that cannot be taught, it would still be relatively easy to beat up the hackers. Sneak up on them, and then shoot them with a gun. Dead before they have time to counter hack. Or just nuke (or use someone’s special ‘power’) to blow up the hacker base. Hackers on retreat, just keep pounding ’em with artillery and stuff until they die. ‘Nuff said.

  19. Randomsquared

    O_O He does have a point, that’s Probably the scariest thing about this comic thus far!

  20. Swot

    Oh god he’s right!

    But there’s a minor flaw, we have a casualty. Caesar may very well be dead.
    Not so ‘clean’ of a plan now…
    Wait a sec, does this mean Gavin is not infallible?

  21. Arch Angel

    A little repetitive, but Gavin does have 2 very valid points.
    @Swot: I wanted to say something about Caesar possibly not being dead, but everything I think up to support that, I come up with a counter to my own argument. So why am I even typing this?

  22. Jorlem

    I wonder if Gavin, or any of the other hackers have ever watched The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I can’t help but think of the Yuki vs. Ryoko fight when reading some of these comics. It’s probably what most of the hackers wish their fights were like.

  23. Swot

    @Arch Angel: Hope maybe?
    It would be pretty sad if Caesar died, and not because it would mess up Gavin’s plan a bit, but because he seemed like a cool guy.

  24. Tsapki

    People commenting on Cesar’s still unclear fate, please recall it was Manic who chopped off his leg, as well as just recently yanked up Krystal by her hair for which he got a rather quick smack on the snout. I think Gavin is willing to break some eggs if he needs to, he isn’t afraid of that, but he wants to do this intelligently. Conserve resources, make surgically precise strikes instead of just eviscerate things messily, etc.

  25. DukeGod

    I know someone said if some time ago but…
    I wanna be Gavin when I grow up!

  26. Elkian

    …he’s got a point…..

  27. livlife2themax

    omg its lik 1984 by george orwell….. or lik the Cambodia Killing feilds omg those kids were taught to kill their own parents they were even taught to forget about what faily and mothers are….. or like the civil wars in Sierra Leone….
    Gavin what have you done?!!?!? omg id be pretty scared….

  28. Kisame

    AMEN BROTHER! THEYR LIKE POLITICANS! And also: “Kids with guns
    Kids with guns
    Taking over
    But it won’t be long
    They’re mesmerized
    Kids with guns
    Kids with guns
    Easy does it, easy does it, they got something to say “no” to

    Drinking out (is she real, is she)
    Pacifier (is she real, is she)
    Demon souls (is she real, is she)
    Street desire (is she real, is she)
    Didn’t mean to (is she real, is she)
    But it won’t be long (is she real, is she)
    Kids with guns
    Kids with guns
    Easy does it, easy does it, they got something to say “no” to

    And they turn into monsters
    Turning us into fire
    Turning us into monsters
    It’s all desire
    It’s all desire
    It’s all desire

    Drinking out
    Sinking soul
    There you are
    Doesn’t make side to
    But it won’t be long
    Cause kids with guns
    Kids with guns
    Easy does it, easy does it, they got something to say “no” to

    And they turn into monsters
    Turning us into fire
    Turning us into monsters
    It’s all desire
    It’s all desire
    It’s all desire

    Is she, is she real, is she
    Is she real, is she (it’s real)
    Is she, is she real, is she
    Is she real, is she (it’s real)

    Is she is she real

  29. Vash_ts

    Gods with emoticon faces… -_-“

  30. phildog

    That is the line that made me fall in love with this webcomic.

  31. Crestlinger

    So basically North Korea at any given time.

  32. newllend(voidSN)

    So he knows his entire organization is stupid, and if he wants everyone to back off why is he and his lackies always starting shit.

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    The Fancy Adventures of Jack Cannon – A Webcomic – » Archive » Page 235

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