Page 216
August 6th, 2010

Page 216

Gavin keeps it together.


  1. LtFusion

    “We need to stick rolls of toilet paper down their toilets and draw on their walls.”


  2. ThisIsAScreenname

    I love that you can see Grin’s expressions through her mask.

  3. Vrominelli

    @LtFusion I was thinking along the same lines.

  4. grayfoxpianist

    That’s what SHE said! HO HO HO!

  5. kit


  6. Jamie 😀

  7. gangler

    Oh wow, I never caught on that that was grin back then. Also I am awfully, terribly and forebodingly intrigued by what the plan is beyond rescuing some prisoners.

  8. Breazy

    Just discovered this comic this week. Probably one of the coolest things I’ve ever stumbled upon.

  9. advancedflea

    I love How Gavin seems to split Panel 3 in half there 😀

  10. SovietCommissar

    Is it just me or is Grin slowly losing her purple…hoodie-thing?

  11. Lewis

    @ThisIsAScreenname It’s all down to body language. Even blanking the word bubbles you can understand the emotions Grin is expressing, which is actually quite impressive and requires some skill to pull off.

  12. Briggsy

    I think somewhere on Gavin’s CV it says life coach; I love the ‘We Need to Stick Together’ speech. :p

  13. Arch Angel

    Gavin continuies to climb the ladder of my personal favorite villins. (sorry, never was good at spelling)
    Vader would still kick his @$$, hacking or no.

  14. Vash_ts

    I love how he appears from nowhere and scares the sh*t of everyone…
    I used to do that, its fun!

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