Page 215
August 2nd, 2010

Page 215

Talk talk.


  1. LtFusion

    Such a sassy pose from Grin. πŸ˜€

    You can see the remembrance of Max’s punch in panel 3. XD

    Yay Jamie, you are so hardcore! :]

  2. Merks

    is it his tongue that talks?

    Looking forward to seeing what Max is up to

  3. James

    Poor Frankie !!!!! ; )

  4. FanXplosion

    “I haven’t been told to turn him back yet.” Daaang.

  5. Johnny Whoa

    Less talky, more Facepunchy πŸ˜€

  6. Mathygard

    She was right, as well. Frankie looks far creepier with human eyes, I think.

  7. ThisIsAScreenname

    Awwww, I think I feel bad for Frankie…

  8. Vrominelli

    She was, however, told to change his eyes back. But not the rest of him…

  9. Arch Angel

    Dispite everyone else already saying it, I too feel sorry for Frankie.

  10. Jamie

    Merks: yes

  11. Tsapki

    To Mathyguard

    Actually, wasn’t it Gavin who recommended the eyes be shifted back to normal? Something about if there is just a tinge of humanity left, people would hesitate and get eviscerated by Frankie?

  12. Merks

    excellent. I was wondering if he could talk to himself or to his tongue

  13. SovietCommissar

    Poor Frankie. Red eyes or not, I feel bad for the poor bugger.

  14. Mathygard

    @Tsapki: Ah, you’re right. Had to go back and check that. Dunno why I was so sure it was the other way around.

  15. Kisame

    I think this comic is the first good animation one, I mean, once a web comic starts, The animation is pretty crappy for a while or at least not as good as the artist’s maximum potential allows it too be, and now with the shades and the background and the pupils and whatnot, this comic just evolved to the next phase. Gratz ^^

  16. _Redstone

    @Kisame: It’s, uh, not animated. And if you’re assuming dark, dramatic lighting is a preferable norm as opposed to a useful atmospheric tool, you’ve got a bit of a problem. The art evolution in Fancy Adventures is clear, but this particular page isn’t necessarily the most obvious indication.
    @Jamie: Comic is still awesome, though. Grin continues to freak me out.

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