Page 210
July 16th, 2010

Page 210

“But… but I’m the title character…”


  1. Merks

    dyyyyynamic Jack pose! Make that an action figure

  2. sanddunee

    oh alright, thats okay then

  3. FanXplosion

    I love you, Gavin.

  4. Lord Rahl

    Is it possible for Gavin to be a Magnificent-er Bastard? (Imagine there’s a link to Tvtropes embedded there)

  5. Alexander

    Gavin is definitely on my list of “Top 5 Most Badass Badguys”, which also includes such notables as Visage from Parallel Dimentia and Black Monday Blues from Dead.Winter (yes I’m aware Black Monday isn’t technically a “badguy”, but he sure as hell ain’t a good guy).

  6. grayfoxpianist

    I kinda figured Gavin would come in and pull a “I’m gonna attack the people around you, technically not breaking our contract. What’re you gonna do about it, Hero? Because if you try to save these guys, I get to kill your parents. Your choice.”

  7. Cack


  8. Biscuit

    Is that a sword?

  9. Jamie

    Combat knife

  10. MD

    He should break his word right then and there. Then break Gavin’s face.

  11. Sio

    And I love to say I told you so…and I TOLD YOU SO.

  12. Johnny Whoa

    Time for Gavin punching

  13. Kellins

    I don’t know….something tells me the Gavin isn’t exactly there. There could be so many reasons on what it is right now, but If Jack does throws a punch at Gavin’s face, He won’t be hurt at all.
    Show some restraint Jack. Your moment shall come, and it will be dynamic

  14. Bottle of Awesome

    “It’s not about you, it’s about MAX FACEPUNCHAAAAAA’!”

  15. Katrika

    Never commented before, but I’ve been reading Jack Cannon for a while now, and loving every page. Keep up the good work, Jamie!

  16. Drali

    I’m surprised at how sturdy that ceiling is! Most government buildings I know have dropped (suspended) ceilings. I guess when you fight hackers, you get the best!

  17. Aleclom

    Man, I’ll bet Jack’s gonna start to regret his deal now.

  18. figgyleaf

    BOMF! love that sound! BOMF BOMF BOMF!

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