Page 211
July 19th, 2010

Page 211

Oh. Well. There you go.


  1. Rusty-Knight

    Boy, what a nice guy. I wish he was my Dad! (D

  2. sanddunee

    it’d be really spooky to walk in to a room and look up to see the general looking down on you with that expression

  3. FanXplosion

    Way to taunt Jack into action, Gavin. You’re a dick.

  4. James

    He’s so smooth isn’t he Gavin !!!!! ; )

  5. Anonymous Man

    Gavin’s pretty polite for an evil hacker genius.

  6. Arch Angel

    Let’s see, general laying on the celing, Jack standing confused in the middle of the room, and, yeah everything’s in order.

  7. Jackrabbit

    You know General, not listening to him will result in Jack being hacked again.

    Think, dude. I know you’re glued to the celling but that doesn’t mean you get to project your problems onto everyone else.

  8. Ventnor

    I’d pegged Gavin as dangerously genre savvy when he made that deal with Jack, but now it seems like he’s trying to get Jack to break the deal. Maybe its an unconscious desire on Gavin’ part…

  9. gangler

    I don’t think he’s being antagonistic at all. I think that was meant to be every bit as polite and considerate as it appeared. I’m pretty sure we’ve already gathered that he doesn’t have the normal range of human emotions or a proper understanding of them, this is clearly a manifestation of that.

  10. Nicknackss

    Gavin used a door…

  11. Thementalhyuuga

    He’s overly polite, he can hack anything (except jack of course) and he acks most human emotion and he’s so awsome he can wear clothes that put the joker to shame and look wicked. Officially the most amazing antagonist ever.

  12. Nicknackss


  13. rinthia

    @ Nicknackss – It’s a sign of the apocalypse.

  14. taltamir

    gavin LOCKED a door, he didn’t use it to go somewhere himself, he used it to confine jack…

    and also… “dun dun dun dun dun!” its time to make a choice jack…

  15. Lucier

    @ taltamir:
    it’s between the governement and your family jack you have 24 hours. *beep-boo-beep-boo-beep*

  16. SovietCommissar

    Oh yes. It’s about to go down (I hope).

    Also? Would totally buy that Boatfighter shirt if I weren’t poorer than…well, I’ll spare you all the politically-incorrect comparison.

    P.S. Being a white-hat hacker myself, I’m kind of curious as to where they’d fit in to the hero/villain spectrum in this…er, universe.

  17. Chirigami

    You know, Jack’s sentence in the previous strip… “No, no, NO! Are you kidding me!? Didn’t we just talk about this!?”… I used that EXACT sentence (only in Spanish) once when a guy tried to steal from me in a subway, and I told him to go away without giving him anything, then he came with a “friend” of him, and tried to sit down right beside me —to intimidate me, I guess— but as I shouted that sentence loud, just like Jack, every person on the subway noticed and he left me alone. xD Jack’s way of saying it and the stance he’s in, REALLY reminded me of that time. xD

    Back to the actual strip. Gavin… Exceeded… all my expectations, he’s SO amazingly cool. I don’t know what it is… He’s just… He doesn’t do that stupid mistakes or pointless dramatic stuff most villains do. He’s a lot more realistic than some of the greatest villains of all time. And that, even while having “super powers”.

  18. One_Rebel

    Am I the only one who imagines Gavin talking in a mellow, quiet, calm, yet terrifying tone? Every time he talks?

  19. Lanagor

    Where is Max FAAACCEEEPAUUUNCHA when you need some senseless violence to break the tension?!?!?!?!

  20. Lanagor

    And Break yo faaacceee!

  21. Lanagor

    But seriously, wow, Gavin is now my 2nd favourite villain, right under GLaDOS from Portal, cus you cant beat the promise of cake with an unexpected, deathly twist. *sob* I trusted her!

    anyways, Gavin is one of the best Villains ive seen in a while, he has that confusing aura about him which makes him mysterious, and in a frustrating, mixed message way. His mind is a complex maze of well planned imbalance, which spurs you on to read more. Heath Ledger, eat your heart out. OH AND RIP.

  22. Biscuit

    I don’t think Gavin is trying to make him break the deal. I think Gavin just wants to destroy those headquarters and Jack is just in the wrong place at the wrong time.(as any hero most often should be)

  23. Kellins

    I think Gavin took over the comics.
    Why I think that? because Jamie usually has a paragraph worth of news or comments for us, but for a week or so now, it’s been less than a sentence.

    And See? Gavin’s keeping his word like a good man that he is, and assisting Jack on how to keep the deal going for both sides.

  24. Swot

    Gavin is just plain B.A.
    End of story.

  25. Kisame

    Frank cannot be stopped, the world is going to end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds. Follow the black rabbit.

  26. Crestlinger

    Quick! Throw a key at him and he’ll be forced to hover around it!

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