Page 203
June 21st, 2010

Page 203




  1. LtFusion

    Bah! We won’t “get it” until Friday. Bah I say, bah!

  2. Ventnor

    Well, I guess it would be unreasonable to expect Max to understand that people occasionally solve their problems without breaking someone else’s nose.

  3. Thementalhyuuga

    hehehehe Ceasers FACE

  4. FanXplosion

    Mad to the Max!

  5. James

    Poor Max !!!!! ; )

  6. othorlimmis

    he probably reffers to the fact that jack is no longer his reliable bait.

  7. Vrominelli

    Max is just mad because we wants to crack some hacker skulls and can’t do that now.

  8. Girl_with_koi_on_face

    Max is angry because he does not understand this strange new feeling called ‘Self restrain’

  9. Anonymous Man

    I think it was a good deal. Jack may not be able to fight hackers, but hey, at least he has a better chance of surviving life. Well, not really when you consider who is mother is.

  10. Kellins

    “My steak isn’t hanging on a hook!”

  11. gangler

    Methinks I see an apprenticeship in the near future.

  12. Vester

    … That’s some kickin’ air guitar Max is doing in the last panel.

  13. Jamie

    You can’t see it but Caesar is busting out some sick air drums, also.

  14. Sio

    Maybe Max understands what everyone else is failing to see — that by accepting the “deal”, Jack didn’t gain a damn thing. Instead, Jack acknowledged that the hackers now *control him utterly* through threats against his parents and loved ones. While they believe they can’t hurt him, they’ve proven that they can control Jack’s actions through threatening his parents’ lives. The “deal” was no deal. It was “we’ll not bother with you if you don’t get in our way, but if you do, your folks and everyone you care about are dog food”. That’s not a deal, that’s a threat.

    Now the hackers are free to do whatever they want and Jack can’t do anything to stop them, or his folks’ lives are on the line. The real answer would have been to ascertain if Gavin was actually there in the flesh, then immediately kill him DEAD.

  15. Nirron

    Gavins “Justification” for threatening his parents, Is that his parents will inevitably attempt to protect him, Therebye makeing themselves his enemy, And as Jack knows this, And that his parents are more vulnerable to the Hackers…. It’s yeah… Essentially a threat. But i don’t think Gavin is saying “I’m makeing your parents top priority,” Rather than, “Any one whom cares about you, And tries to protect you will die”

    Least thats how i picture Gavins mind operating (Or at least what a simple mortal can understand of his mind.)

  16. Nirron

    Also did you intentionally Highlight the rare steak, And bread sandwhitch? 😛

  17. Sio

    Gavin didn’t HAVE to come out and say it. The parents lying on the ground, asleep and helpless, while Jack is seemingly invulnerable, and Max is unable to fight, says it without words. I can’t kill YOU…but I can kill THEM. Get out of my way, or I will.

  18. taltamir

    max only wanted a friend, one he could go and punch the faces of hackers with.

  19. Henry

    Or one he could punch in the face. :3

  20. Merks

    oh I forgot to write a comment. These are drawn really well. You’ve leveled up

  21. Anonymoose

    Oh ya… Cannon doesn’t update on Wednesdays…

    …. bummer…

  22. Biscuit


  23. isaac

    i dont remember the red head whats his name?

  24. Jamie


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