Page 180
April 2nd, 2010

Page 180

Happy Good Friday everyone! Here are some dudes punching some other dudes.

Oh hey, There’s totally a Jack Cannon cameo in yesterdays Accursed Dragon!

The new vote incentive is a picture of Max, punching. It’s a a picture I did as a commission last week. (PS do youwant a commission? let me know!)

 Click here for man v.s. technology


  1. Dezy


  2. gangler

    I’ve actually been trying to figure out for a while now whether max is smarter than jack or just more experienced. In the beginning, probably because at the time not much had been revealed about jack aside from the homeschooling and lack of social graces, I thought he’d be some form of nerd. He wasn’t, but I still figured intelligence would be his advantage. More and more it’s looking like thinking might not be his forte, I don’t think he’s stupid, he’s just a man of action. I wanted to come up with a zinger about the heart/brain thing but came up blank, so you get another paragraph bordering on rant. As always, interested to see what is to come.

  3. Ventnor

    Aren’t they, Max? Aren’t they?

    Alright, I agree, they aren’t the same thing. Please stop repeatedly slamming your fist into my face.

  4. Grammer Nazi

    They were going for “Your” heart that time

  5. Jamie

    Oh noooooo!

  6. Isaac

    hahaha looks like facepuncher isnt the only one who punches faces and max facepuncher doesnt only punch faces…nice use of mask

  7. grayfoxpianist

    “I stabbed a guy with a trident.”
    “Yeah, Brick killed a guy!”
    “Brick, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. You should lay low for a while, visit some relatives out of town, because you’re PROBABLY wanted for murder.”

    The incentive was hilarious. Did Max invest in a Windows?

  8. Jamie

    Max isnt very computer minded.

  9. rakurai

    Cameo in Accursed Dragon is awesome, just like the second and third panel of this page 🙂

  10. Kirk

    What’s with the pitchforks?

  11. Jerry

    Oh yeah Max!? Tell that to the ancient Egyptians!
    By the way, Grammer Nazi should be “Grammar” Nazi.
    Okay bye.

  12. Jamie

    Kirk: Hackers.

  13. marca311

    again, with the excellent mask interpretations (lol, dracula mask)
    love panel 2 (open, bam!, close)
    and finally, pitchforks and learning with Max Facepuncher (who doesn’t like computers) (windows vista?)
    final thought: maybe hackers should use windows vista as opposed to using commandline and binary so much, they’d be SO much easier to defeat. (I’m going to stop your heart! Ah crap, Blue Screen of Death, hold on 5 minutes will you?)

  14. Online Comics

    You should totally add your site to so I can add it to my faves. =]

  15. rinthia

    VAMPIRE FACE MASK! I’d steal it and paint it black.

  16. Chirigami

    Those pitchforks remind me of that REALLY old school FPS game “Blood”. You could use a pitchfork to kill Zombies xD.

  17. Jamie

    Oh man, I remember Blood! My friends used to love it! (I didn’t get into playing FPS until quake 2, myself)

  18. Chirigami

    Yep, I didn’t play it back then. A friend showed it to me much later. My first FPS was Doom 1 and 2. =P And then Duke Nukem 3D.

  19. Grammer Nazi


    I am the Grammar Nazi, not the Spelling Nazi. 😛

  20. Ramani-Rayne

    I love how they’re having this conversation while in brutal combat.
    Also: Giant forks?…

  21. mariotunic

    I love frisbee!

  22. newllend

    Well you can’t live without either one so.

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