Page 137
October 30th, 2009

Page 137

And then Jack Cannon finally freaked.

Man, computer problems have made this week almost a total wash for drawing comics. Lucky for me I draw ahead of updates. I’ll have to play catch up next week though, argh.


  1. sanddunee

    Oh no, our hero! Great work as always! I hope your computer feels better soon.

  2. Frostbite4.0

    Heck, i’d be scared too, no matter what crap i’d taken from the hackers already.
    oh yeah, i’ve been reading your comic 4 a while, I just never got around to commenting. ’tis very awesome indeed, o mighty one.

  3. Dekker

    is that one girl wearing the same close as Angel? the one right next to her

  4. Kellins

    I was gonna make this long speech of the way he’s acting, but i’ll cut it short and sweet.
    Jack isn’t feeling 100%. No one is really backing him up verbally. The guy doesn’t want to lose any more friends.
    Jack could kick his butt with both hands tied behind his back. But with so much disappointment he had in the past few days. His mind is too busy with other problems and worries

    I think that window needs a sign. “In case of emergency, break glass”

  5. Demented Kat

    Hmmm, our lil’l hero boy there was coughing. So who wants to start da betting on some kind of glorious internal injuries no?! (‘Cuz I simply loooove injured characters! *v*)

  6. Jamie

    @Dekker: Yeah, it’s actually part of the school uniform, unlike whatever the hell Cindy is wearing.

  7. Thementalhyuuga

    Oh YES you NBLOODY RETARDS just SATAND THERE and do NOTHING to help the fricken NEW KID whos heart and soul was already BROKEN by THE ONLY TWO FRIENDS HES EVER HAD and now hes got the fricken…………Count Frankenchukiegrudgewolfmanstein after him? AND THE FRICKEN WINDOW IS LOCKED?!?!?!?…………………..
    I will forever love this comic that is all.

  8. Thementalhyuuga

    Ok wow….. rly had some flippen typos…. ok so
    1)its just bloody retards no N
    2)its stand not satand yeah thats it i guess

  9. rakurai

    Jack: [thinking] Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Stupid windows.
    Download Manager – Downloading (15%)
    Progress: ||||||||____________________|
    Time Left: 1:08:53 hours left
    Thank you for purchasing Windows 7. Please [be devoured by Frankie] while your download completes.

  10. Johnny Whoa

    Brace for shock!
    Facepunching imminent!

  11. grayfoxpianist

    I hate climactic moments like that in video games. You’re about to die, but you’re stuck on a wall, and you can’t jump over it, and all these monsters are about to kill you… It’s a “SHIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!” moment. Can’t Jack just punch his way through the window? I mean, it’s bloody Jack Cannon.

  12. Disconnected

    Bloody Jack Cannon who “punched his way out from underground” no less.

  13. Deathmotto

    Have any of you ever punched a window? Not a good idea.

  14. The Jester


    You, sir, have just made my day.

  15. merks

    that third panel out of context is pretty funny with crystal wearing the same clothes as the girl next to her.

    static thinking is also awesome

  16. rakurai

    @The Jester: thank you :3

  17. Gjoort

    I never liked the number 17, so make the comments go to 17 is not something I really like, but this comic is so good, I think it’s still justified that I post this:

    Good Job!

  18. Chirigami

    You’re producing some really High Octane Nightmare Fuel here. xD I’m glad I’m reading this on the afternoon, and especially the one when he is starting the transformation.
    Keep being awesome as always!

    @Gjoort: 17 is one of my favourite numbers xD. And it is my “favourite human age”. I loved being 17 years old. But well, I’ll do you a favour and make it a 18 anyway. 😛

  19. Edge

    POW, then Mr. Duncan jumps in and facepunches Frankie!
    I must say though, the panel where Frankie says Jack is sure frightening enough for me to freak out. At least, he’s still a fast thinker! 😀

  20. Biligum

    Methinks SOMEBODY envies Angel. (And yes, I know I’m like the third person to mention this.)

  21. I like puns

    in the RU-COUGHs Jack missed his WINDOW of oprotunity
    ps: is it just me or is Cidneys shirt gttn furrier, i know it started out as a stylistic tear, but now it looks half-ermine

  22. Rags

    Now that’s one serious underbite. He’d better not go out in the rain.

  23. Plue9

    He looks like a witch from left4dead

  24. Skan

    man, no matter were you go school windows always stick

  25. Arch Angel

    Um… yah… right… uh… RUN FOR YOU LIVES!!!

  26. Arch Angel

    Oh, and by the way, whenever the hero’s mind goes static, panik ensues.

  27. Hardcore Gamer

    Kind of a bit late to be posting, but when I see this all I can think of is the Frankie from Sonny 2 (from ArmorGames) saying “I want to taste your bloodwater.”

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