Page 135
October 23rd, 2009

Page 135

Good reflexes, Jack.


  1. Tychon

    He’s going to need a hell of a dental plan.

  2. Deathmotto

    Panel 6.. I love his face. I love the expressions you use jamie. They amuse me greatly.

  3. Jamie

    Exellent 😀

  4. rabbit

    nick woulda got bitten at least once in my opinion. props for jack

  5. Beyond a Grave

    It’s really too bad you can’t produce comics faster, Jamie.
    To make a guess at your plot, I’d say dear Frankie didn’t hack himself. I’d say he’s being hacked by someone from the hacker’s gang(obviously), possibly even Mr. Head-Honcho himself(I don’t remember his name). It’s not that dear Frankie wants to do this, he just really doesn’t want to be killed.

    My evidence? Frankie didn’t seem to have a keyboard/powerglove or something like that. He also warned him slightly by getting his attention. So I think he’s half-heartedly fighting him. Please don’t feel the need to change it if I have guessed the plot correctly, as I enjoy being right, Haha.

    Also, it’s quite hilarious to imagine this as dear Frankie’s reaction to being mistaken for a girl XD

    You, sir, produce an excellent comic. Please continue.

  6. Beyond a Grave

    I also missed the rather big tip off from last comic “Help meeee”. For shame. Anyways, my prediction that this is how dear Frankie is paying off his debt/not dying fee still stands.

  7. Thementalhyuuga


  8. Deadly Elixir

    0.o okay.. i stopped reading for a bit to let the story go ahead… and this is first page I see 0.0 awesome.

  9. AdvancedFlea

    I have to agree with beyond a grave on this one. I don’t think Frankie actually has any control right now. Anyway, if you look at when he actually sat down next to jack one or two comics back, his eyes kind of looked…I dunno, Glazed over. Like he wasn’t all there.

    Maybe thats just me and how I looked at the picture

  10. yunglin

    Omg this is why his mother trained him!

    frankies gone beserker

  11. rakurai

    Mr. Duncan: [in background] Many have enough trouble with basic English, let alone converting it into a shortened “text”-language. Without the rules, how could one translate into another language?
    Frankie: Eeeeuuuuuaaaagggghhhhaaaaa!
    Mr. Duncan: …. Eloquent as alway, Frankie.

  12. Jamie

    Hahaha, he’s such an A grade student.

  13. Kellins

    cookies for rakurai.
    Why? because that would of made an excellent comic and was good for laughs at the timing.

    I have a feeling this fight isn’t going to end well, dispite Frankie being hacked or not. I don’t think Jack’s gonna hold back.

  14. rakurai

    Yay, Cookies!!!

    I love this comic!

  15. Ivan

    Jack could have easily turned that into a 300 joke.

  16. Da Mighty Camel

    Now that’s proper use of a chair!

  17. The Jester

    @Beyond a Grave

    His name is Gavin.


    That’s Jekyll and Hyde. Huzzah for the letter Y! Making names sound fancier every day.

    @Today’s page


  18. Hunter Kirizaki


  19. Ultima_man

    Красота, особенно первая фотка

  20. Thementalhyuuga

    To ze Jester:
    Oh…hehe…yeah…I knew thaaaaaaaaat <__> ^_^’

  21. ThisIsNotMyRealNameFYI

    even MOAR unnecisarily bad pwuns!
    Frankiely, after he FLIPPED out, the whole situation became rather tooth and nail. then, in a STUNNING display of courticy, Jack offered the newcomer a seat.

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