Page 134
October 19th, 2009

Page 134

“I’m having trouble identifying which words are nouns and adjectiiiiives!”


  1. Carl

    Yea, identifying particles of speech does become tricky while become possessed.

  2. The Jester

    Second? Maybe? Holy crap, this is probably the closest I’ll ever get to first. Woah.

    I’m not going to talk about today’s page because I’m trying to avoid thinking about images that will rather obviously give me nightmares should I dwell on them too much. ._.

  3. сотовые в екатеринбурге

    I think what they did to you was unfair and poor customer service

  4. Beanjamish


  5. Dizit

    Wow. Frank could devour 100 cookies in 3.2 seconds.
    Om nom nom. 😀

  6. advancedflea

    *Has pretty much the same reaction as Jack* o.o;

  7. Cyril

    I think a facepunch is in order.

    But seriously, wtf you gonna do when you’re being hacked into a creature?

    Also, thank you for giving me nightmares at 7:10 AM.

  8. Vester


    That is terrifying.

  9. Kellins

    My only reaction, a raise eyebrow.

    The guy must of been up last watching too much of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
    Isn’t there a treatment to cure that yet?

  10. grayfoxpianist

    Jack’s expressions in this one are awesome!
    Oh great, Frankie’s turning into Bowser… Alright, Jack, game plan: throw Frankie into the nearest mine/lava pit.

  11. Raine

    This is turning from “Fancy Adventures” to “American McGee’s”. There’s no words to convey how horrible i feel for Frankie right now, I just hope he gets help before the damage becomes irreversible. Also, this is going to do wonders for Jack’s psyche!

  12. Phat

    jack obviously had an accident so bad it traveled up the wall….and turn blue

  13. Biligum


  14. Thementalhyuuga

    Jack: FRANKIE?!?!
    Frankie: Yeff? *still biting his leg*
    Jack:…………-_-‘ Get the hell off my leg

  15. Biligum

    Hm… maybe that’s more of a shark than Gollum.

  16. Biligum

    Woah, ninja’d! (And too many posts!)

  17. Kirk

    I see the Food Devil.

  18. David

    My God, would you look at those pearly whites.

  19. reynard61

    @ David: Yeah, I’d hate to be that guy’s toothbrush…

  20. wildace

    WTF?! What the Hell?! HOLY S#*T! All rolled into one!

  21. merks

    anni’s brother? Noice teeth

  22. Sio

    Boy, pop quizzes really SUCK at that school. I’m talking COYOTE ugly.

  23. barbiegirls2

    Sadly, in my friend possy, none of this weird stuff would really shock me. I’d be like Ok dude, what can I do ya for?

  24. Jenii

    In such a crackhead-y way…but full of crackhead-y goodness to be sure!

  25. Deadly Elixir

    Yay~ Nightmares~

  26. ThisIsNotMyRealNameFYI

    Frankiely, The roots of this problem are pointidly, hard to pin down.
    and that’s the twooth

  27. ThisIsNotMyRealNameFYI

    fyi that last cmnt was a load o bad puns

  28. Skan

    wow, frankie must have one heck of a dentist

  29. Arch Angel

    *Jack’s facial expresion*

  30. Elkian

    *chair falls over* OH GOD

    Is that just to show he’s desperate, is this a dream, or did Gavin do that?!

  31. newllend(voidSN)

    I knew some bullshit was up with him.

  32. The Duke of Zill

    That will be in my nightmares.

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