Page 124
September 14th, 2009

Page 124

Yay it’s Angel and Cindy! I always have fun when I draw the girls.


  1. Miesa

    two classy broads indeed

  2. Hawk

    Do you mean “Pity-pals”? As in, only friends with him because she feels bad for him?

  3. Jamie

    Oh! yes! I’ll fix that!

  4. merks

    everyone is left handed!!!!!

  5. Jamie

    Well, Cindy actually is. XD

  6. Ray

    Boobs are fun to draw, period. Just look at renaissance era paintings and romanticism artwork, they knew what was up.

  7. Deathmotto

    I like Cindy a lot more now. I especially like the yellow sweatshirt.

  8. Da Mighty Camel

    ” I always have fun when I draw the girls.”

    Is it the boobehs?

  9. Biligum

    The first and last lines are awesome. “And the silent phone calls have stopped too!” Rock on.

    And @Ray+Da Mighty Camel: That’s wrong. Creepy. *shudder*

    *shudder shudder* *shudderifical* *shuddercalifragilisticexpialidocious* *shudderpneumonoultramicroscopicsilicavolcanoconiosis*

    Pity pals, yay!

  10. TCC


  11. reynard61


    I finally read through the archives and am up to speed. Excellent work! Consider me a fan!

  12. Thementalhyuuga

    hehe silent phone calls “hello?” “*breathing*” “h-hello?” “seven daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays seven DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYS”

  13. Frenchiesim6

    Hey! I just read the whole “Fancy Adventures” all the way through and I loved it! I usually read “Sister Claire” Can’t wait for more from Jack Cannon and the “girls!”

  14. kaji

    wasnt it their fault jack got into trouble any way

  15. fairportfan

    kaji – Haven’t you noticed, people who get youijn trouble are even more likely to act as if you were trash than they did *before* they got youin trouble?

    Saves having to admit *they* screwed up, and apologising.

  16. Cory

    Traitorous girls.

    On an unrelated note, loved the guest comic over at Sister Claire.

  17. Maarvarq

    Hang on, *Angel* is “the redhead”? What colour is Cindy’s hair supposed to be then? (asks the partly colour-blind guy)

  18. Jamie

    She’s a brunette. 🙂

  19. Davian Wolfe

    ok, i don’t mean to sound like a frak but i just can’t work out which one (if they were real) out of Cindy and Angel i’d date. I really can’t. Atm its cindy cos her humour is fnny.

  20. Davian Wolfe

    bugger i meant Freak not frak

  21. zack

    dude, if my friends wer trouble magnets id hang out more often!
    am i desperate for adventure and have something to prove to myself?
    yes. but i find that those guys make great story characters!

  22. ThisIsNotMyRealNameFYI

    why do MY friends never get me involved in wacky hijinks 🙁

  23. Hellobank banque en ligne

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    The Fancy Adventures of Jack Cannon – A Webcomic – » Archive » Page 124

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