Page 115
August 14th, 2009

Page 115


  1. merks

    fourth panel is awesome! Great expressions all over this page

  2. RaNdOm PeRsOn

    Is that an atempt at fanservice I see in panel 5?

  3. LarryK32

    @ RaNdOm PeRsOn. If you mean what I think you mean, I lol’d. If not, my mind is really screwed up.

  4. *GLitCh!

    I would appreciate if you pizazz’d your Panels a bit (as I mentioned in the *possibly* deleted comment)…perhaps a feature for your Fancy Adventures: Volume 1 book thing?

    also if you go ahead with this, I demand you prepare a demo of said possible panel fixin’

    also also, RaNdOm PeRsOn is stealing my broken caps theme. I do not like them now.

  5. Jamie

    All comments are back now, everything is fine.
    I’m.. not quite sure what you’re saying about the panels. At first I thought you meant general layout, which is fair enough but it’s not something that can be changed in older comics. Do you perhaps mean something like… this? 😉
    If I’m off you’ll have to explain what you mean.

  6. merks

    Goddamit jamie you could have been doing those panels all the time! MORE STARS!

  7. *GLitCh!

    something like that Jamie….something like that…but not quite…

  8. Ramani-Rayne

    I love that the eyebrows thing is the only part he denies.

  9. I like puns

    i agree the stars are key!
    in fact. they would be STELLAR
    wow im terribly awesome

  10. Rags

    Growling eyebrows!

  11. Marioface5

    I love this comic so far, and intend on reading the entire thing and then keeping up with it. I think I have an idea of a plot twist that will be coming up, but maybe I’m just looking into things too closely. We’ll see. =)

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