Important(?) stuff


So, yeah, there’s the poll at the top of the page pretty much says it, but I’m looking at printing up some Jack Cannon books. It would be the first 4 charters, full colour, probably really special and yadda yadda.

I’m just wondering though… would anyone buy it? This is a pretty important question, so please take the time to vote, thanks.

Also in the process of possibly moving to print, I’ve had the chapters so far proof read and have fixed all the spelling errors and touched up some dialog so it reads better. (nothing major, mind you.) Now I just have to be extra vigilant and watch out for typos in the future.


  1. Ray

    Dude, I’d but anything you’d make. I’m so drunk I can figure out how to sit down, but I still managed to fond y way here somewhow. I’d buy it for over infinity dolars. Forever. Go jack cannon!!!!

  2. sanddunee

    I would wait for a few more chapters before releasing a print.

  3. Jamie

    I’d be self publishing these, so any more pages than I have planned may be too costly.

  4. TCC

    I would totally buy it!……..

    If i had money… -_-

  5. *GLiTCh!

    I agree with TCC; I would totally buy it if I had the money….The comic is great, and I love how the story has gone so far, but despite how loveable the style is, it isn’t appealing enough to really sell a book (the story almost compensates for that, but its not there yet). Perhaps if you redid the style (not so much the style, but the quality…idk…it seems like it could be better, but I really don’t know how that is possible; it’s pretty damn great already)…You need to give the book something that the online web comic doesn’t have (other than the collector’s novelty)

    You may want to wait before you start releasing books; that way you can release a predtermined amount of chapters each month or osmething similar….

    It’s really up to you

  6. GBeans

    I would buy a book if there were more chapters in it. With an epic story based comic like this, I’d want a longer book.

  7. Deathmotto

    Depends on the price. But if it’s within a reasonable price range the answer would be a nice and dandy “Hell yeah!”

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