Page 67
February 27th, 2009

Page 67


  1. merks

    HA! these guys are great, they just ask for it constantly

  2. Gamervamp

    god never have nerds been so…. nerdy…..

  3. Banish

    Says the one with gamer in the name ;p

  4. Biligum

    So, Gamervamp, uh… Nerds come at you with cleavers all the time? That is such a nerdy thing to do, myes.

  5. Banish

    Well, swords really. We happen to be the best armed antizombie demographic, rightb up there with rednecks (ironic opposites I know)

  6. US

    Admittedly, his mum is more terrifying than most people…

  7. Katrika

    Yeah Jack, your mum is pretty terrifying.

  8. Bastet

    “my mum is more terrifying than you!” -This would be an insult… …if only we didn’t already know his mum XD

  9. kisame

    … damn smiley frank is weak.

  10. CyberSkull

    Having met Mum, well, yeah.

  11. Speedy

    So, which one is gonna pull out a plastic lightsaber?

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