Page 66
February 23rd, 2009

Page 66


  1. merks

    I notice a severe lack of people not on fire… this must be changed

  2. Carl

    I think you mean a lack of people on fire. There’s a lot of people not on fire. From the looks of it, I’d say all of them.

  3. Gamervamp

    oooohhhh nice pun

  4. Demented Kat

    yay, CLEAVER-thingy!!! People on fire -are- nice but cut up people are better. More so with screaming and begging and much much bloods!

  5. Mikey8152

    I like Manic, he’s punny. >=D

  6. The Jester

    @Demented Kat

    But watching people run around like headless chickens trying to put out the fire on some part of their body is ever so hilarious.

  7. Banish

    … the flames are so pretty… The leperechaun (I cant spell that to save my life) didnt lie

  8. Biligum

    Wow… you people have had a lot of exposure to violent video games, haven’t you?

  9. Banish

    Yes. I like shooters with the gore option in them. Heh heh, brainmattersplatter.

  10. kisame


  11. Speedy

    So, Manic is into life hacks.

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