Page 163
February 1st, 2010

Page 163

No truck is safe.


New vote incentive is up! In it you can find out what Craig’s name was originally!

Vote here

Okay I gotta get back to mass effect 2 before i go through withdrawal.


  1. Thementalhyuuga

    Anywhere, anytime, anyplace GAVIN IS THERE!

  2. Lordofufools

    Gavin is a the allhacker (i think that would be right) anyway i dont like the eyes either i want pink ones to make him feel more awesome 😀

  3. grayfoxpianist

    I’m just now noticing this, but it looks like Gavin doesn’t have a mask like the other hackers, it looks like that’s really his face.

  4. Swot

    I have newfound respect for Gavin now. I thought he just sat in his space cube all day, but he actually gets out and does stuff!

  5. Makahl

    Notice his socks!
    his right one is red and his left one white!! I bet his right hand(glove?) is also red while we see his left one is white here.

  6. Briggsy

    I’ve just realised that one eye is 1 and the other is 0. Binary makeover.

  7. Jamie

    Hooray someone noticed! 😀

  8. Ricuchi

    Gavin…Your so evil looking and sounding. Yet I cant get over how awesome you are! Ive always been the fan of the crazy wack-jobs in comics xD

  9. kevin

    Avoid the truck!

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