Page 574
February 10th, 2023

Page 574

It was all just a misunderstanding!


  1. Zen

    Gee, the MI sure loves making deals with crooked groups.

  2. Forecaster

    The screaming has started!

  3. ThisAdamGuy

    Holy happy apple sauce! I had just about given up on this comic, but I checked it on a whim, and MY DAY INSTANTLY BECAME BETTER!

  4. MauveCloud

    The hazards of skipping company briefings, right?

  5. jmkool

    Max has always seemed one plot twist away from punching faces in the M.I. anyway.

  6. Sora Hjort (@SoraHjort)

    “There was an order issued by the higher ups: [All MI Assets are to leave the Cannon family alone.] And that includes MI Agents, Allies, and Contractors. So, if what you’re saying is true, you’re going against that order and thus MI intervention is needed. Family or not.”

  7. Oooorah

    I love Max’s total “no f’s to give” attitude. Doesn’t care if you’re technically on the same side or not, he’s still gonna punch you in the face. Just ask Jack…

  8. frosty

    I still maintain grandmama needs some more dental work, like maybe a whole new set of plates. I think Max could arrange easy removal of her current teeth.

  9. Ether

    Dun, dun, dun.

  10. Roe

    So I’m guessing Max is about to start a major internal incident in MI… probably not for the first time

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